Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2022-03-09T17:44:33Z— updated 2022-03-13T16:27:17Z

80 | Walt is so manipulative and egoistic at some moments. Poor Jesse is in his lowest bottom, he and his parents are in the different world that can't work together.

Rating: 79.78

25%: 2.5
50%: 2.3
75%: 2.3
100%: 2.5

Favorite Character

  1. Skyler White: 2.5
  2. Jesse Pinkman: 2.5
  3. Walter White: 2.3
  4. Walter White Jr.: 2
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Jesse is really hitting rock bottom, I feel bad for him. I get he's a drug addict and whatnot, but as far as everything else other than that, he's not that bad of a person. Walter on the other hand, is a complete asshole to Jesse and it's only getting worse. I like how there's still somewhat of a friendship or whatever you'd call it between them, as proven when he let him into his house and still gave Jesse the money after their fight.

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poor Jesse, he is always mistreated by everyone :(

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I know something big is coming up after watching that teddy bear from episode one.
Love that fight between Jessie and Walter.
Skyler should be happy that Walter didn't kill her.If someone else had behaved like that Walter would've kill them with some tweak of chemistry in the omelet.

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This episode is really depressing. Homelessness is no joke :cry:

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What an extremely depressing and uncomfortable episode. Good too, but... uff. A lot of conflict and zero comic relief.

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Man, Skylar's gonna fuck over that kid's entire life just like she probably did to Walter Jr. if she keeps smoking (and god knows what else) while pregnant.

And Walt needs to stfu for 5 seconds so Jesse can explain shit ffs.

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when he asked jesse if he wanted breakfast ?! :sob:

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for a moment i really started to hate Walt ugh i felt so bad for Jesse cuz the stuff he said to him…

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The episode shows a story of people who can't communicate better. Walt Jr. who doesn't have good parental figures and unsure what to do. Skyler a toxic wife who can only think revenge/get Walt to taste his own medicine. And finally Walt with all his lies and ego that started it reaping what he sow, and using Jesse only for his own benefit. Anna Gunn performs really well as Skyler that I really hate her toxic attitude in this episode.

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What is wrong with you? WHY ARE YOU BLUE?

lol :joy:

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Shout by JC

The look on Skylar’s face when Walt starts lying again

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me rewatching season 1 after almost a decade: "I don't get why everyone hates Skyler. I don't remember her being as bad as everyone makes her out to be, I actually kinda like her."

me rewatching season 2: man fuck this bitch :skull:

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bro Walt really only cares about himself.

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