They never state what Walt did with domingos body

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I love how they had bridges with BCS like that. I know BCS is the newer show, but man, they did it right!!

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It's a good thing Walter killed Domingo (Krazy-8), as bad as that sounds. Walter killed his cousin and had Jesse dissolve the body. He also held Domingo captive. Only an idiot would believe someone in Domingo's position when he basically says, 'All is forgiven'. I didn't really like Domingo, anyway.

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"It seems like... something's missing?"

"What about the soul?"

"There's nothing but chemistry here."

Great episode that shows the start of Walter's descent to Heisenberg.

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Walter White is a horrible person. I didn't expect Walter to kill Domingo like this.

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Rating: 81.24

25%: 2.5
50%: 2
75%: 3
100%: 2.3

Favorite Character
1. Jesse Pinkman: 2.5
2. Walter White: 2.5
3. Krazy-8: 2.3
4. Skyler White: 2

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