forgiveness is bullshit when you know the other person doesn't deserve it, they just wanna feel better about themselves. it's not fair to give them that taste.

that said, i love that the main character is a despicable person even though he's not a villain, and the show doesn't pat him in the back at all (as far as i know). sadly, i know the general public doesn't respond to these kinds of characters in the best way...

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This is the first hard hitting bojack horseman episode abs it leaves you feeling like shit but in a good way

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It's getting darker and darker, and a lot less funny. Herb had some great lines too. Also the 80's and 90's representations are great. Those songs, and that phone !

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Oh, damn.

Finally, this show made me feel emotions—what an intense episode. BoJack and Herb's past was a lot worse than I initially thought. I thought they were going to be old friends who had dreams but couldn't because of his cancer. Instead, we got something much more depressing. And to see how Herb reacted when BoJack finally said it. Woah.

That final scene was powerful too. I've finally become invested in these characters, and I don't know what's going to happen next.



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I'm often not fond of flashback episodes because they easily become fillers, but this one had me glued to the screen the whole time. While maintaining the same delightful humour that the show has got us used to since the beginning, they still managed to make it more adult, with a hint of darkness, even. This was the most mature episode of BoJack Horseman, yet. And the second episode in a row with a heartbreakingly depressing finale.

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Best episode of the series so far. The flashback did a good job being both believable and funny, and also set the conflict in the present up very nicely. Bojack and Kazzazz had the kind of shorthand rapport (with the dark side of it to boot) that you'd expect, and it made the emotional stuff at the end land and feel earned in a way that the rest of the show hasn't been able to match. Great stuff.

The comedy really worked in this one too. The various meta-gags about period flashbacks while simultaneously making the most of doing actual 80s/90s-based humor was great, and Todd's mini-story with the celebrity robbers was thin but full of laughs regardless.

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