Shout by dgw

Marty's shirt says "SP ORTS". That split doesn't even make sense, unless it was some subtle jab or hint at his character that I didn't pick up and not just bad graphic design.

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The first episode of the show where I enjoyed both the A-story and the B-story. Diane's family setup was goofy, but I thought it gave her character some interesting shading and making Bojack a side character really worked. Plus the B-plot with Todd and Princess setting up their David Boreanaz tour was just silly enough to work. Good stuff.

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"Sounds like you're looking for our Piece of Shit Dad Package."
"That would be too good for my father."

Damn Diane.

To see Diane's obnoxious family and her terrible dad was sad. I'm glad she ran away and found Mr Peanutbutter. He seems like a nice guy. And it's nice to see one of my favourite characters (so far) has flaws.

Todd's massive scam is concerning. The fact that he got away with it for so long is scary. People will believe anything if it's a multimillion house, huh? Also, Diane exploding was freaky. And BoJack's longing for brothers was so unfortunate. I'm glad he pushed past it to help Diane.

That pen pal prank was messed up. I'm sad BoJack laughed and told Diane "Yeah, you wouldn't get it. It's a brothers thing," Ouch.

It's good.


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The show starts to develop real stories, but it seems it's at the detriment of the humor.

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Quite funny but Bojack is such an asshole.

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