Let's go Todd!

It was nice to see somebody looking out for BoJack when he was starting out (and I saw a little bit of Seinfeld there). It's a shame that guy had cancer and six months left to live. That's so sad. And Todd, let's go. Now BoJack is looking out for Todd, and he's actually gotten to know him. Now they're better friends. It's a shame to see what that video game did to him though. And I know someone who's been like that before.

It was kind of creepy to see Wayne stalking Diane and Mr Peanutbutter was hilarious this episode. I'm still unsure of what happened in the last bit. I guess we'll see how it pays off.

This is better. Much better.


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I don't see why BoJack would do that, to keep Todd at home? Mid episode, I've heard it gets better but I thought it was just okay.

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I like that the end of the previous episode looked like the setup for a plot, that ends up only being used as a 10 seconds joke.
This adds a little depth to Bojack. He usually just don't care and is just a regular asshole, it's the first time we see him actually care and connect with someone, and also being actively evil.

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I'm definitely a Zoe.

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Todd's been my favorite character on the show so far, so an episode that focuses on him definitely worked for me. There was even a nicely setup conflict and motivation for BoJack to help him out, and the sabotage angle was pretty nice at the end of the day as well. The Diane's ex subplot didn't do much for me, and the humor is still hit or miss in my book, but this was an improvement.

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