I've been avoiding this show for years cause it just looked uninteresting. Just finished season 1 and it's so good. I always love comedies with deeper moments. It elevates both and this show did just that. I hope it doesn't go down the same path as Family Guy and South Park where everybody just becomes a 1 dimensional caricature of what they were in season 1.

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A great season finale. Most of the plots are wrapped up. There is a a sense of ending/closure for most characters. Bojack's got what he wanted, can't wait to see how he will fuck it up in the next season.

"The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning.It's to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense and eventually, you'll be dead"
The show is full of these little gems, so philosophical, so true, so dark. And the fact that it comes from Mr Peanutbutter, the most stupidly joyful character, makes it hit even harder.

The Todd+Peanutbutter business ideas are delightful. And I like how Vincent is still there. Also small detail: Bojack never letting go of his Golden Globe (even though he didn't even write the book).

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Everything is different now.

The world turned upside down. Now, people like BoJack. His book has been a success, and people look up to him. One Trick Pony set it up as if Diane hated BoJack and wrote it entirely from a cynical perspective. This episode, it seems it was less extreme.

I'm happy Diane and Todd are likable again, and they seem happy.

That intro was depressing though and ironic.

Again, this show keeps surprising me. I don't know where it's going to go. Maybe things will get better. Perhaps they won't. But I'll say, if you told past Clobsters about this episode, he wouldn't believe you.



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7.5/10. The psychological explanations for everything here were, again, a little to simplistic and straightforward to me. There were some funny moments, and BoJack returning to the spot where he went with Kazzazz was a touching way to end the season, but I didn't really buy the "Dianne goes to Sudan" conflict (though Mr. Peanutbutter's response to it was darkly hilarious), and it seemed inevitable that BoJack would get the part he was after. I just have a hard time buying into the seriousness the show dabbles in at times; only in the Kazzazz episode and the dream episode does it feel as fully-formed and complex as it needs to in order to land.

That said, Todd + Mr. Peanutbutter turns out to be comedy gold (the Halloween store without a floor was a brilliant runner), and BoJack's perturbed reactions to them were a humorous highlight as well. Plus the Princess Carolyn and Vince story was nicely ridiculous and funny too. So overall, this episode was one where the comedy worked like gangbusters for me, but the dramatic elements couldn't quite keep up.

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