maybe the timing for me to watch this show is terrible bc this is very depressing and i'm in a very bad place rn... it doesn't stop me from appreciating it though

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The scene at the end still kills me.

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The procrastination and drug hallucination sequences are definitely some of the best of the show so far. But I would have also liked if it just went to "a week later" and literally nothing happened nor got done.

I also love the poor desperate Pinky and the ghostwriter con sequence was so perfect for him.

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Why did Diane turn into Lucy from Peanuts in that acid trip?

God. BoJack, Todd and Sarah need to stop doing drugs. Also, that whole "I can't write like this" scenario is so relatable. Lol.

But that final scene where BoJack asks Diane if he's a good person deep down and she's speechless. And BoJack tells her to say it's not too late for him. I could've cried.

I wonder how this season is going to end.



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Drugs are so much fun (and dangerous, please don't do drugs)!

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My fav song from Death Grips.

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One of the best episodes of the show so far. The surrealness of the dream sequence was a little stock, but still engaging, and it was a nice opportunity to address the issue between Todd and BoJack in a way that not only avoided sweeping it under the rug, but helped lead to a realization for BoJack. The mommy/daddy issues theme continues to feel a little too simple and straightforward as an explanation for BoJack's lifestyle and personality, but the scenes with his possible life in Maine were legitimately endearing and ultimately heartbreaking. The truth in the moment of BoJack wondering if this is all he'll ever be was some of the most potent emotion the show has mustered thus far, and the finale at the ghostwriters convention (with the hilarity Patton Oswalt imbued in the scene) was stellar as a close.

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