The language with which both men talked about their families as possessions really stuck out to me. It's what led to one being unable to grieve his dead family and the other being unable to connect to his living family. The ending showed how viewing women as mere set dressing for men's lives ultimately leads to tragedy for not just the disposable women but for the men living in misery and loneliness.

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Wouldn’t it be easier and safer to put the robots (replicas) on the space mission? Like duh? They do not need life support system, food, and physical activity. Would it be nicer if they actual humans stayed in their homes and spend their time with family?

Somehow, the pilot of story twisted to make us watch 80 minutes episode, almost as long as a movie. Just to tell us that we need to take care of our family and loved ones! The only explanation for this movie plot is that the astronauts were already in a long distance space mission and later on, they have decided to make the replicas for their families.

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Wow. Just when I thought it was getting a little too predictable, it went there. That was dark.

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Trash plot, so much stuff would make no sense in the real world…

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This setting is really strange, can others also use your copied person's link? Is there no DNA restriction?

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Books featured in this episode:

  1. Airport by Arthur Hailey (@ 01:48, 12:48. Read by Lana)
  2. Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann (@ 26:45, 41:32, 46:56. Read by Lana)
  3. The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury (@ 36:14, 1:00:27. Console + David’s quarters)
  4. The Dolphin and the Deep by Thomas Burnett Swann (@ 48:24. Bookshop)
  5. Galactic Odyssey by Keith Laumer (@ 48:24. Bookshop)
  6. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein (@ 48:24, 51:11, 51:52. Bookshop + read by Lana)
  7. The Siren Song of Tranquility - An Anthology of Fantastical Worlds (@ 48:24. Bookshop) — Easter egg; not a real book
  8. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury (@ 1:00:27. David’s quarters)
  9. R is for Rocket by Ray Bradbury (@ 1:00:27. David’s quarters)
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smart concept, very dull and boring execution

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I'm into episode 3 right now and doesn't seem to get better at all. Season 6 so far is disappointing. BM was so much better before Netflix.

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Yo mister White, we gotta go to space.
Now, this is more interesting. I'm just glad that the twist was not identity theft. Also, I think it's a huge oversight the fact that the developers did not create a replica backup OR protect the families from the very beginning. They can't risk a trauma to affect the astronauts after spending so much on the mission. David was a crazy man with nothing to lose, frankly frightening.
The ending is so pungent, with Cliff knowing that he has to endure four more years with the killer of his family, or kill him and die, unable to maintain the spaceship alone.

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I don't buy the inciting incident on a plot level (high-stake project such as this has no protection or no back-up? And conveniently no regular check-in for Cliff's also conveniently semi-closed-off family even after all that happened? I could go on), and really don't buy the final one on a character level (either the writing or performance needs to establish David's psychological nuances more than just "mentally pushed after tragedy" so this big action feels more character-based rather than symmetrically plot-mandated). So even if there are a few intriguing dramatic dilemmas in between, that ending doesn't feel justified or developed naturally from the episode's length at all, and has me feel like it's just Brooker indulging in Black Mirror's worst tendency of empty shocking nihilism.

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Yeah this season is absolutely bringing it this time! The longest episode of the season at 80 minutes but never felt that length at all, flew by. This one will have you hooked very early on and yet again, some fantastic performances! 8.5/10

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An important reminder to be nice to your wife otherwise the man who you let use you skin will murder her

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The episode felt a lot like "Black Mirror" again. Nice ending.

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Aaron Paul is a wonderful actor and is not limited to Jesse Pinkman as many imagine. It was a monstrous acting lesson!

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honestly speaking, if i were cliff's character i'd just blow us both up at the end like fuck this fuck everything idk

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Great concept, pretty good performances, waaaay too long.

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Goddamn they made a drama.:fire:

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I'm really starting to dislike "american" Black Mirror.

Yet another story where the technology is not central to the story, with minor changes the plot would work the same without the replica/spaceship angle, that's just a gimmich or "MacGuffin".

And anyway, why are the replicas on earth and the humans in space? Shouldn't this be the other way around?

And where is Mission Control?
Guy had to watch his whole family killed in front of him and nobody cares that there might be a problem down the road?

This is just sloppy/lazy writing.

Performances by the actors were quite good though.

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most creepy and disturbing episode of entire saga for now. I don't know why, but unlike many I'm enjoying this season despite the lack of that touch of scifi and dystopian future that characterizes this TV series.

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I waited the whole episode for Aaron Paul to say "yeah science!"

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Although I found the episode a bit mediocre compared to some former show highlights, Aaron Paul was incredible in this. His crying scene in the wood was superb, Emmy worthy acting.

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So incredibly predictable from beginning to end. It's very slow and long, too long. Very repetitive in the middle. The acting (from Aaron Paul and Kate Mara exclusively) and the sets were awesome but the drama doesn't work at all. It's constantly ruined by the poor decision making from Aaron Paul's character and his wife too. Like, what did you expect guys? It was written in the sky. It also fails at basic logic like the tech itself, it doesn't make sense to send the actual person in space instead of the tech. The ending was so anticlimactic... like nothing happened. Rory Culkin's scene was the standout for me, he's so good at playing deranged characters.

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Having only seen the first 3 episodes, my guess is this will be the best this season offers. I was super excited this show was coming back, the first though was alright, the second was totally off theme. A better ending to this one though is homeboy replacing the other guy and not telling the wife.

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really felt like the Sharon Tate murder at the beginning and I wondered where it would take me. moral of the story: appreciate your family, never trust nobody and don't help people :sweat_smile:

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  1. Why not put the replicas on the mission instead of the humans?
  2. Why can they not create a new replica for David if it's possible for him to beam into Cliff's replica?

Other than that, very predictable that he would either kill Cliff and take his place or kill his family. Mediocre episode.

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Why replicas here and not there? Also, as soon as the swaparoo gets arranged it's too easy to see where this is going. Meh.

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Great acting and script for this episode.

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First episode I didn’t watch to the end.
It look ages….

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never trust anybody. Jesse Pinkman you should have just kept selling drugs!!!

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This is the beginning of the end for me. This was the first episode I started to feel a divergence from the original concept. It's a terrible decision and does not pay off. There were many other potential endings and the one they went with was boring and pathetic.

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interesting concept, but like many pointed out its way too long and have lots of plotholes.

such an advanced technology but sending actual humans in space instead of the replicas are so dumb. and is the mission control in the room with us?

getting tired of that kind of ending

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Started out very promising and I loved seeing Josh Hartnett and Rory Culkin again.

But after the big thing happens it gets predictable and loses potential.

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why everything is so expected this season:(

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sorry, this was just slow and boring. It just never grabbed my attention and I only watched to the end just to give an honest comment here.

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Skip this one, it’s bad.

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Maybe connection loss. What if what sends the communication for the bodies gets damaged?

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The Worse out of all of Black Mirror....

Sci Fi....?


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Solid performances by the three leads, an interesting take on mutually assured destruction, and a terrific plot twist at the end more than compensate for some pacing issues (bad editing) and the mistakes that Cliff makes along the way in terms of dealing with the guy he's going to have to get along with for the next four years. And that ending? Just brutal.

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absolutely love when David finds new inspiration jumping into a life so different from his own - like a new form of empathy - it makes him so alive & full of creativity again! and then when he tries to communicate to Cliff what he notices is missing & it gets thrown in his face & possessiveness drives the show, he goes to such extreme just to get Cliff on the same playing field just so they could "talk" again. dark but brilliant!

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This is why you hire Aaron Paul; the story features some gaping plot holes, but his excellent performance makes it worth watching.

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i thought that i saw the ending coming from a mile away but holy shit i was not expecting that. used to think of mr bean’s holiday everytime i heard that song but i don’t know if that’ll be what comes to my mind first anymore. holy shit this episode is devastating.

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movie is telling us dont be nice.

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Holy shit, this was dark and depressing…classic Black Mirror.

It’s tough to watch; a sea of emotions where nobody wins or has a happy end. It takes the dreamy image of late 1960s America, with space travel, a family man with beautiful children and wife, and farm fields, and turns it into something grim.

Fantastic performances throughout from everyone.

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it's just sad man..

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This episode was amazing! Great performances!

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Why didn't they send the replicas to space? They can't make another of the same replica, but somehow you can use someone elses if you use their tag? Conceptually flawed and predictable.

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how good of an actor is Aaron Paul?

He can play Josh Hartnett, playing Aaron Paul.

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Shout by Vic

Towards the end, during the 2nd spacewalk, I was like "uggh! predictable end." But then they pulled a "psych".
But I did not quite agree with the real end. If that had happened with me, I would have killed him for sure, even if it meant I'd die to, due to the spaceship needing 2 people to operate.

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It's a good enough episode, if predictable, but it was waaay too long. Could've been 40 minutes long or less.

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I loved it...
It's diabolical...
It's bizarre...
It's perfect...

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Basically, Face/Off meets The Astronaut's Wife .
The ending was completely irrational and sadistic, even for someone as unstable as David. They should've gone with the more predictable but logical ending of David killing Cliff and taking his place in the replica.

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They can send brainwaves to their replicas but they can't give these guys some internet to keep them occupied?

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The galaxybrains thinking they found a plot hole large enough to call this stupid don't really understand how MISSIONS work.

The replicas are on Earth and not in space because if they malfunction in space the mission is over.

Even within this premise these replicas must not have been cheap. They might have been needed to convince the astronauts to sign up for a long mission but there's still a mission being paid for that somebody ABOVE the astronauts wants to see completed.

The getting to experience Earth while up there is a bonus astronauts get to have.

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What a depressing story. It had potential but then turned into an absolute waste of time. What on earth was the writer trying to tell us?

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Why the fuck is Jessee Pinkman in this?

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What this episode did very well was not show us the gruesome acts in gory detail but leave it up to your own imagination and that painted a very gnarly picture for me. One I was up thinking about plenty. Story wise a decent episode but slower paced than the previous and very predictable.

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muthafricking child killing shice, frick off

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Interesting concept, very twisted dilemma, I wouldn't know how to decide on the premise. The second half of the episode was quite easy to anticipate, however

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All of this would’ve been solved if the logical decision was made of putting the robots in space to not risk human lives and also the human can control the spaceship instead of the human in the spaceship controlling the real life of the person

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That was the most dull thing I've ever watched.


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The ending was quality. But imho it could be less runtime)

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Plot was full of holes, entirely predictable and it dragged on far too long. The runtime could have been halved easily. The first two episodes were very good and both could have had an extended runtime, but this was 80 minutes, why?

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So, it seems that this season will be entirely about plodding, less than mediocre story lines where the conclusions are easily guessed a third of the way through an episode. Aside from the opening, I can't recognize this show anymore.

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Why don't they send the robots up and keep humans down? is it because they have to do maintenance every now and then in evac suits which robots clearly can't accomplish?

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The good part is, this is one of two episodes that actually feel like Black Mirror.
Beautiful retro style in the whole episode. Makes it seem like they spent all budget to get these visuals right, as the story is very predictable and much too long for what it is worth.

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Disappointing season so far, boring.

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Now that ending right there, was Black Mirror

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Pffff. The idea is nice. But soooo slow. So boring.

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1 hour and 20 minutes for a very awful ending...

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That was such a stupid story line. Thanks for wasting 80 mins of my life. The new season is not looking good.

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Interesting concept, quality acting. Also very predictable up to the last minute. As soon as Paul’s character told his wife “he’s all alone up there” I knew exactly what was going to happen.

But what was the purpose of killing his family? What was accomplished? I do not understand the motive at all. “ you don’t understand what you have, so now I will take it all away from you. Also now we have to live together in space.”

Didn’t like the ending at all.

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Completely twisted, goes completely beyond the notion of "liking it" or not. I don't even know why I wanted to comment because at the moment I've got nothing to say.

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Now i'm getting it: Black Mirror wants you to rethink your recent votings for episode 1 and 2 of this season...Evil...
My current problem is that if this kind of "quality" is continuing i have no clue how to vote negatif.

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This could have been 20 minutes, instead I was forced to watch for 60 minutes knowing how the entire plot would go.

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Shout by Nox

Why didn't Cliff rip David's head off? But there's so much that makes no sense here. Although the acting was superb.

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Way too tragic. Did not need to go there.

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