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Billions: Season 5

5x08 Copenhagen

Wow Chuck looks like a different person, he lost so much weight

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Amazing episode, possibly due to the delay but still amazing.

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"You want to own me..." - I hate to agree with Taylor, since I really don't like them but they are absolutely right about the moonlighting as a waitress thing...

Axe's play for the bank - just loved it. Chuck is so unlikeable at this point, that there is a party going in inside me whenever he gets played :)

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I thought it was a different actor playing Chuck at first...

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WOOOO!! That was all types of AWESOME!!

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Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-11-20T01:17:49Z— updated 2023-10-27T23:47:42Z

I don't buy that a young 20-something making a six-figure salary would have a part-time job for... fun? Maybe if it was related to a hobby, I could see it, but she was just a server for a catering business. It makes no sense.

Paul Giamatti without a beard is... very, very different.

Lol at the professor love interest already being written off. I guess the actress didn't want to or couldn't return.

Lmao, what is this episode's thumbnail? EDIT: They changed it at some point. It was a really bad greenscreened shot of Axe and Prince before.

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