No one commenting on how Kim goes from "I don't trust you" and "We need to end this" to "Maybe we get married?"??? Because that was a rollercoaster of a soliloquy! Kim needs an Emmy nom at least.

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Another brilliant episode! Jimmy was damn sleazy in this one while Kim was trying to follow her moral compass after having strayed close to the edge. As @AndrewBloom said, "Kim’s plan reflects who she is." That intro with little Kim refusing to get into the car with her drunk mother was so perfectly on point.

I'm a bit surprised Jimmy is being as careless as he is in his relationship with Kim and is it realistic enough. I can understand being reckless when it's just him, but he's now playing fast and loose with Kim's life and her trust in him. I was a little caught off guard when he broke his agreement with Kim in this episode, no matter how dizzyingly clever his shenanigan was, for I think Jimmy cares about Kim's trust more than anything else, but the question remains, will he only realize that when it's too late? And we already know the answer there having seen Breaking Bad.

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Ack. I just... Jimmy what are you doing?

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Now this is more like it. Best episode since Season 3's "Chicanery". Even my past gripe of two supporting characters' lesser-told storylines resolves by combining into one pretty cackling operation. And of course the Jimmy/Kim story reaches its peak here, culminating in two of the best sequences of the show (court "settlement" and last scene). Kinda criminal that Rhea Seehorn hasn't been nominated in anything high-profile yet - Emmy, Globe, or SAG (the latter once only as part of ensemble). Her voice breaking as she's thinking a plan through rips my heart out.

Also, "I followed the money and it was clear - my bank was funding terrorism!" lmaooooo

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People complaining about not liking Saul cause he's turning into an asshole. The whole point of this show is to explain how he became the ratty lawyer in BB. Saul is supposed to be unlikeable. These characters are so well written. The first time you watch Breaking Bad you feel sorry for Walt, until you realise he's a selfish megalomaniacal sociopath who will manipulate anybody to get what he wants. Same with Saul. He's just turning into the person he's always been hiding, fooling everyone around him. Then there's Kim. Saul is good enough to use when it's convenient for her but when it gets too real, she blames him for the person she wanted him to be. So why should he pretend to be Jimmy. He is Saul and he's finally accepting it. Giving us the sleaze bag lawyer we know and love.

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Why is Jimmy such an asshole to Howard?
Because of this I don’t really like him anymore

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I’ve never seen Rhea in anything but this show and she just gets more phenomenal every episode. Amazing performance. What a roller coaster this episode was.

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maybe not quite The Suitcase level, but rather The Wheel level, nevertheless the best far of a fantastic season

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Best episode of the season yet.

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I hate Saul for being that shitty with Kim and Kim for being that stupid. I mean wtf was that ending. I appreciate surprises and plot twists when they make sense and in this case it don't. Kim have been taking huge bad decisions from a couple of episodes, balancing between doing the right thing and giving in to the temptation to act like Jimmy does, but this is another level of stupidity.

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Jimmy just f*cked the team of his girlfriend in that conference room, courtesy of Kim's biggest discovery.

Well done Jimmy aka "Saul Goodman"

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Very good episode, Saul is being great.

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Mike is back in town and finds a way to try and get Lalo out of the picture. Jimmy prepares a plan so cunning and believable that he's goes behind Kim's back to avoid any possible ideas that the two of them are behind this plan together. Jimmy gets what he wants with the best intentions for helping everyone but it means breaking Kim's trust in the process. That final scene felt genuinely real and if Kim suggests getting married, I'm worried what finally separated the two of them when we see Saul in Breaking Bad.

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Saul Goodman is insufferable this season.

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