Once again I wish that this series would have been (or can afford to be?) only about Jimmy/Kim now. It’s the only plotline that gains sweeping breadth from the meticulously detailed storytelling and measured pacing, whereas other stories only take flight for me when they intersect with the main one, and otherwise are often only solid, or even at times drags along rather than digs deeper (as Mike’s this week does). I’ve longed to join the “better than Breaking Bad” crowd for some years now because the way Jimmy/Kim’s story is carefully plotted out and artfully told feels so unique in TV landscape and can definitely transcend BB. But it shares space in the series with other more BB-beholden ones that really should have the pulpier storytelling like BB, so I can’t commit to that notion.

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15 minutes worth of plot stretched thin.

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I dont understand Kim why is she suddenly acting like Jimmy?

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Jimmy helps his client keep his home for a little while longer while getting creative with ways to prolong the eviction. Kim gets defensive while trying to hold her position for the better of Mesa Verde's interest. Mike takes some time to recover and Gus makes sure he gets the proper rest he needs.

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I can never remember where Mike ends up in Breaking Bad so it's fun finding out.

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