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Berlin Station 2016

I've heard some called the 1st episode "slow".
Well, maybe - I found it delightfully entertaining and in the tradition of good espionage series, found it more cerebral than most American espionage shite on TV in recent memory. I'm thinking of you "24". I find myself eagerly anticipating each episode.

Take what you will from this review, but I'm given the series a "9"!

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Wait what?! Is really canceled the season 4?... Epix please what are you doing!!!! S3 was a really jump up was really epic... All seasons has a message behind that is the main plot and you canceled now?! I'm really sad.

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I really like this show, its probably one of the best spy shows on TV right now. The twists and turns are enough to keep you watching, plus the acting is superb.

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Watched first 2 episodes and got really bored and lost interest. Might retun and watch the rest if there's nothing else on TV... ever

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Tried several times to watch pilot, every time gave up from boredom. Finally just trashed whole series without watching the rest of season.

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Best theme song of 2016.

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its a combo show a little of homeland and a little of the americans

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Quite a surprising show, especially to be watched in the Original Language with german in between. The cast is well chosen from different countries and the plot changes from season to season extreme. It looks like a ever growing budget from season to season.
I do not remember a series, where so many main actors die till the end. And with the new role of diver there would be a lot to take a closer look at.
As so many more intelligent series, it ended too early with a lot loose ends...

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