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Beacon 23 2023

Is this based on the Hugh Howey (Wool/Silo) novel?

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finish the season a few days ago the cast really played their roles believable the stories pace was confusing until the end but overall I hate shows that end like this...milking away a good story for more episodes, sucks..Anyway season 2 has just been green lit so yay.......great another 8 episodes for another anticlimactic ending, I doubt aster is dead i mean would there be a s2 without her? who is alephs maker..and when did he go into the artifact....why wasn't Aleph in any of barts memories....oh wait ill have to wait for season 2 to find out the answers to these questions and more...smh, love the show hate the finale writers lol

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This is a fantastic show! Although I seriously hate the person that came up with the season ending cliffhanger way back when. There BETTER be a season 2 otherwise I'll have to come back and give this a big fat 1 heart.
The story is interesting and has plenty of little plot twists. My biggest "Huh?" is why they put these ginormous lighthouses in space when a small simple beacon would do - or so I would imagine - lol.
I heartily recommend this show.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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it's got sloppy dialogue, muddled motivations and a diverse intersectional cast. this is 100% written by an AI because NOTHING makes sense and NOTHING is explained. 2 episodes in and i'm none the wiser.

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Enjoyed season 1 enough to watch but gave up late into season 2. Idk wtf is going on and life is too short to be both confused and apathetic.

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I thought Season 1 was pretty decent and I had high hopes for where it was going.

However Season 2 is a hot mess.

That said, the acting, setting, and special effects are fine, but the plot and writing is really immature and most of it makes no sense.

Get new writers for Season 3, if they haven't already blown it and been cancelled.

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The first episodes of S01 keep introducing new characters which makes little to no sense at first. Later they attempt to assamble those puzzle pieces to a bigger picture. Works for S01 but does not hold for S02. A lot stays unclear. The plot is not conclusive. S02 is mainly build around random events and questionable decisions.
I would agree, that these might be AI generated scripts. You recognize a lot of story elements that worked for other shows but here the mix just won‘t fly.
It is like AI telling a joke and you remember it been funny in another context.

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Jesus Christ, are the books this bad?

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after few episodes it becomes weird...i mean where is the sci fi...

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They don't care if you watch because it's good. They just want you to watch.

Random people show up somewhere and talk to each other. On the second episode, more people show up. The set, effects, and dialogue, are just there to make you think, "Maybe there's a point. They wouldn't make a show without a point would they? I have to keep watching!"

Click bait in tv show form!

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At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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Not bad. Quite good actually. It kind of feels like a B show but the effects isn't what's interesting here (not that it's absolutely awefull either). The story and how it's mentally engaging is very Scifi so it's not just romance or drama that happens to be in space. Also pretty much no typical melodramatic BS. Very much enjoyed it.
As a scifi fan I want more like this. Doesn't always have to be bangers like Foundation etc.

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I forced myself to watch this and I can honestly say put the washing machine on and spend a few hours watching it roll around and it will be 100 times more enjoyable than watching Beacon 23.

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At times it has the appearance of a B-movie science fiction production, with a single location inside the galactic lighthouse Beacon 23. With a somewhat slow start, which does not benefit from starting in medias res, the series progressively improves, once it finds a path that allows the viewer to understand the reflective tone of the story. There are some isolated episodes that serve to understand the development of the story and learn about the motivations of characters who will reappear later, although the story seems more interested in raising questions than in providing answers. And it is finally revealed as an interesting sample of existential science fiction.

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Intriguing story but still none the wiser, so it's hard to judge except in its well-crafted mystification, and hairpin bends. The road undulates like crazy too, and this may mean cancellation. Yet each section stands up well as little stories even without a clear destination. I'm gonna score it a 7 on that basis, as for me that is something promising, or worthy of one viewing at least. So it's a holding, hopeful score based on a childlike desire to know some more.

SFX are pretty good. The acting is cool, though the production feels stagey at times. Parts of the plot exhibit coincidence a lot, but it could be the artifice of the source material and theme. I can't judge.

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5/10 and that’s being generous

Some how I made it to the end of episode 5 and it’s time for me to dip out….
The first two episodes are okay, slow but sometimes that can be a good thing and that’s what I was hoping would be the case….
It just doesn’t go anywhere, it drags its feet and doesn’t give you the breadcrumbs needed for you to keep following the show.

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Actullay like it, its different, in a good way, definitly not your typical sci-fi, you never know how much more you will learn on the next episode or how it will end, love that when it isnt predictable.

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I straight up dropped this show so hard after the 2nd episode. By far the dumbest direction and dialogue I've seen in a tv-show in a very long time. Whoever is in charge of those needs to get a new job.

Lena Headey's talents are completed wasted on this. Shame!

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I love good sci-fi and fantasy. This is not the worst sci-fi, but it’s not great either. That’s to say this is a neutral sci-fi that is watchable as a light single set sci-fi but it’s not The Expanse. Someone said it feels like a SyFy channel show and that’s a perfect description, it’s low budget with some good CGI peppered in.

They took a short story and stretched it into a series, which means that it gives them freedom to add a totally unnecessary and very forced lesbian romance, trite duplicitous characters with secret agendas, filler drama and big cliff hangers. All of this is fine but without a good story to back it then the series becomes just about these things rather than being interesting science fiction.

Add in the bad acting and I wouldn’t get too invested in this show, it won’t be around long.

It just feels like it’s going nowhere but down.

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Such a pity that seasoned actors are mumbling their lines and are incoherent. Turning subs on doesn't ameliorate the lazy writing of their lines.

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its not my taste after 39minutes i m gone sorry

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Visually there appears to be a lot of money spent on this. But the dialog, motivation, and direction all make it feel like very low budget SYFY original. @scooby-snack hit the nail on the head saying this feels like it was written by AI.

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Just watched the first 2 episodes, and it's a solid start to the show. Loved the actors chosen.
I have not read the shirt stories yet, so no clue if it's faithful to it. But I loved the premise and this 2 episodes. Hope it keeps on delivering. If you like Sci Fi, give this one a watch.

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