Zuko: "Hello, Zuko here."


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Zuko is so adorable!! I could literally listen to him being awkward and complain for hours!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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The temple itself is the best part of this episode. O, yeah and that moment everyone has been waiting for.

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Zuko, my child, stay good

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Hey guys! Zuko here.

That's it that's the review.

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Zuko singlehandedly invented the YouTuber intro. I can't over that.

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"Hello, Zuko here."

Best line in television history? Survey says, yes.

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Great episode. I'm starting to like Zuko. Toph's opinion made sense, hopefully he will be helpful & teach Aang firebending. Though still completely understand Avatar & the gang's hostility & complete lack of trust of him after everything he'd previously done. Katara's threat too him was kind of scary, never seen here be like that before, and again the feeling is understandable. I'm curious how the rest of episodes and their friendships will be since it's only now he's joining the crew.

Memorable scenes: Zuko's first attempt to join the crew, Toph and Zuko fire accident, Air Temple fight, Zuko & Aang's talk, Katara end scene

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Redemption and atonement aren't easy. Sure, you can actually be reformed, have a new mindset, hell even know you are doing the right thing, but you gotta make others believe it first. Zuko's road to joining Team Avatar is far more nuanced then most stories like this are - they don't accept him right away (except for Appa) and even outright reject him. This little detail, which the episode is entirely about, only further showcases the strong character work at the center of the show. Zuko has reformed, yes, and hell is even kind of a fun loving, dorky guy now - his real personality - but he has to earn respect back.

Of course, I love how Team Avatar operates here. All of them act believably, with only Katara being on the slight edge of being frustrating but even then her reasons are understandable from a motivation perspective. The final battle with Combustion Man is fantastic too, fully using the environment to their advantage in clever ways and ending in a hell of a win for Sokka. And as the series enters it's final stretch, this is a great beginning to quite possibly it's best section yet.

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