“Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don't see our greatness. They hate us! And we deserve it! We've created an era of fear in the world. And if we don't want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness.” — this. this is why this show, and Zuko’s arc, is so universal, so powerful. incredible.

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Thrilling part 1&2. I was glad and surprised that the Avatar and the gang were able to infiltrate the Fire Nation in the beginning. I was also surprised by Zuko joining the Avatar & the defeat in the end. Watching everyone (main cast & Katara's Dads army) working together was nice. It was fun seeing Aang, Toph, Sokka work together for example. They are powerful & helpful to each other. Toph had also become one of my favorite characters, she really amuses me.

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Azula is the worst character, there is absolutely zero backstory or character development. It’s like she just showed up one day & somehow is more powerful than the Avatar. How? Was she born this way? Did she get special training? Every character has a backstory & development except her. Absolutely lazy writing.

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God Azula is so bad :heart_eyes:

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katara was absolutely right about it being a trap and that they should retreat and get back safely, like what could they have possibly achieve when the fire nation knew about the invasion thus evacuating the citizens and hiding the fire lord, like huh?

the point of the invasion was fire nation weakness of not being able to bend, whats the point if there's no one there to fight or claim their "victory" even if the troops did reach the capital? what if they managed to reach the capital but the eclipse ends?

they could save literally everyone but i guess they need something to move the plot

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The Avatar & the crew are idiots...

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