I don’t know why but this was one of my favorite episodes. Probably due to it being extremely realistic in so many aspects. Katara ignoring the young boy as girls her age usually do, “antivaxx” people who ignore science and common sense… it might be inconsequential, but it’s also very enjoyable.

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I like the contradiction between their destiny and skepticism at the fortunetelling coming from Sokka. I'm guessing that, in the end, Katara and Aang are gonna end up together so Sokka, you are wrong in a way, but funny but also... VOLCANoOOOO

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A great comedic reprieve from the prior two bombshells of episodes, and it's the first episode to really focus on the developing romance between Aang and Katara, which is a major focal point later on. Right now, it's mostly played for laughs as the two of them fumble around with no idea of the other's feelings (and in the case of Katara, possibly her own), and it's all very funny stuff. Sokka is the real winner here from the comedy standpoint though, whose skepticism at the fortunetelling is both relatable and very funny.

The resolution is also extremely clever, leaving the audience to pick a side without resorting to a "message". The actual message ends up being one about creating your own destiny, which ties into the overall theme of the show as a whole. Overall a solid, even great, episode of a show that is nothing but great episodes.

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for the most part i don;'t like avatars romantic subplots (very difficult to emotionally invest in the love lives of 12 year olds) but this episode had enough other stuff going on to engage me. Aang airbending the lava was wicked cool. Plus as much as the romance stuff isn't my thing I do like the siserity they had when aang told weng he didn't reciprocate her feelings. solid emotional beat

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the most unrealistic part of this whole show is the fact that aunt wu doesn’t charge

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the most unrealistic part of this whole show is the fact that aunt mai doesn’t charge

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You know what? No thanks.


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Love the camera movement when Katara said "I suppose he is."

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