Now I understand exactly why they did the Aang and Zuko origin stories the episode before this. It was so Zuko and Aang could work together in this episode. Aang says he thinks he and Zuko could have been friends, but that statement isn't as moving to the audience without having been told the story of Zuko's scar from Iroh's perspective.

The Blue Spirit and the Airbender- one of the coolest fighting scenes.

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This, as well as the last episode, is the point where Avatar usually surpasses expectations for people. Every character has been given a fairly good setup, mainly Aang and Zuko, and yet the previous episode "The Storm" is where this characterization is not only questioned, but also pushed forward into territories not usually expected from a cartoon, in a surprisingly well-thought-out way. With a firmly established setup, and the audience's minds wondering where ATLA will go next, this show sweeps out the rug and pulls off a masterpiece of an episode, where creative action and atmosphere excel far beyond anything we've anticipated, in a high-stakes, prison-escape episode, introducing new methods of combat along the way to further improve Avatar's already masterful worldbuilding. And to top it off, a beautiful ending that sets up many themes and character arcs that will last the rest of the series

In short: this gud.

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the pivotal scene of aang talking to Zuko the next morning is so completely heartbreaking, it really reflects so much of the power of the show — it’s these small things that show the deep underlying effect of war on individuals. powerful.

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14:23 at least five words

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I'm gonna continue watching this show because of this episode. I was really pleased with the revelation of Zuko. I want to see more of him with Aang. Also, the frozen frog thing was funny, I liked it.

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You know, I'll always appreciate good, creative action. Especially animated action.


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Shout by CookieGod

My Top Ten Avatar Episodes: #10

While The Storm is the episode I consider to be the turning point of this series from good to great, this episode is the point in which this series got GOOD. We get a great, action-packed episode that, in accordance with the previous episode, gives depth to Zuko's character and his relationship with the Avatar.
The escape from the fortress is amazing, with Aang and Zuko using the powers they have, such as sword fighting and wind bursts, to try and overpower the Fire Nation soldiers working as hard as they can to stop them. The escape sequence also works to establish Aang and Zuko as a powerhouse when working together, instead of against each other, hinting towards the events in Season Three.
The only real downside for me in this episode is the side plot with Katara and Sokka's illnesses causing wacky hijinks, which is quite ill-fitting with the rest of this superb episode.

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the pure 50 seconds you get between zuko and aang near the end of the episode makes me cry every single time. brilliant writing

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Shout by Tshepiso

The Blue Spirit is a perfect compliment to The Storm. Aang and Zuko work so beautifully together. His airbending with Zuko's swordfighting is just fucking perfection. And that constant inventiveness as they escape was so propulsive and a delight to watch.

I also love how the macro plot keeps developing. We learn a lot about Fire Nations goals and the mintua of its military. The jockeying of Admiral Zhao and small things like the elite marksman in the Fire Nation's service were minor but engaging details to pepper into the episode.
But of course the highlight of the episode was its final question. Could Zuko and Aang, if not for the war, have been friends in another life. The melancholy answer to it was such a memorable note to end another fantastic episode on.

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