Another good episode, was a really good episode for Katara, however, while the chemistry was actually there for Sokka and Yue, I felt the kiss was WAY too rushed, also the conflict between Azula and Ozai feels very rushed too, felt like this show would've benefited from having 10 episodes instead of 8

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What is this?! They arrived at the north pole and Aang still didn’t train a second waterbending

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Only partially in and I'll add as it goes on.
- He arrived in Northpole and Aang didn't do single moment of Waterbending.. Aka he's magically gonna learn it in the moment of need...

  • All the acting falls flat.. Almodt every single actor did an aweful job this episode... The only one who remains consistent is Iroh.

  • Sokka and the princess kissing out of nowhere

  • Lighting effect got introduced at a terrible moment on top of looking terrible

The longer the show goes on the more it seems to suffer from rushed content. It's slowly falling apart.

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God that one move in the end, near the end of the fight, just looked so bad I literally laughed out loud at it.

And honestly at this point I'm sure they should never use any form of gliding/sliding ever again, they absolutely f that up.

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Avataar The Airbender, nothing more

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It’s been 7 episodes and I still can’t get past the title card!

It looks like it says Last Airsender.

I am losing my mind.

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Hope it gets another season. Even my anime/cartoon hating wife likes it now that it is live action.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Rush rush rush! Shitty water bending fight. Smashing in exposition and progression. What do I expect at this point though. Also Azula's fire should be blue as standard. Why was that never shown here? Just straight to lightning.

Poor actresses playing Yue though. I've watched her be a full badass and take on a Predator and now they stick her in that cheap ass wig and give her that dialogue :type_3:

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