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Attack on Titan: Season 2

2x02 I'm Home

The suspense is killing me. I need more. MORE!

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Drama, Drama, Drama everywhere! A little backstory is fine, but not too much please, especially about non-essential characters.

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It's so bizarre, I love it!

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Shout by Diego

I'm referring to a particular scene where Sasha rescues a child from a titan. As they approached the house, everything was quiet and there were no witnesses. The titan itself seemed out of place, almost human-like despite being only about 3 meters tall. Its intellect, or lack thereof, was similar to other titans - vacant and driven by instinct. Upon reaching the house, the titan was already devouring the mother, creating an unexpected and tragic situation for the family. Despite their attempts to reason with it, the titan was solely focused on its own motives, showing no mercy. The spilled blood was merely a consequence of its insatiable appetite, with no personal intent toward the child; the mother was simply the closest target.

The unsettling nature of the scene stemmed from the titan's human-like appearance despite its small size. It highlighted the psychological differences between humans and titans, emphasizing the titan's lack of understanding.

Knowing the identity of the titan adds an even deeper emotional layer to the episode.

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The most bored I've been with AoT since the court trial, yawn

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