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Atlanta: Season 4

4x01 The Most Atlanta

I somewhat enjoyed season 3's foreign, atypical detour(s), but here the whole ensemble together + peak surrealist streak in Atlanta just make it back to so much of what makes the show great.

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Season three was great but this episode already feels like we’re getting back to into what made this show as a whole one of the best of the best

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Superb. Incredibly layered and deep. There's a lot of symbolism here about where the characters are in life, and where they're going. I don't want to say too much about this episode because I don't want to spoil anything, but this packs a surreal punch closer to what you'd find in S01 than what we've been given in S03, keeping the episode both fresh and familiar.

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Now this is more like it. Surrealism grounded in deft social commentary

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Atlanta still the best at the ordinary horror of being a human being

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this is better than IT FOLLOWS

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