Pretty solid but unspectacular. Archer's rivalry with Slater always leads to some entertaining barbs exchanged between the two, and Archer and Lana arguing is a venerable, if a little tired vein of humor on the show. Plus, the references to the real life MK Ultra were amusing, and the banter was good even if the plot for that story was a bit rudderless. At the same time, the B-story about Krieger betting with the rest of the gang that he could hypnotize the whole gang with Ray's help was out there, but good for a number of laughs. There were also some nice continuity nods, which I always appreciate, like the group remembering that Ray had already effectively hypnotized people before, or that Archer had already drowned, or even the android reveal as explaining why Krieger had those masks in the latest Barry episode. Not everything worked, but it was a solid, amiable episode of the show.

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OMG the waterboarding scene was intense! Krieger was in full power in this episode! And the first time he sprayed Mallory, OMG, SO SO GOOD

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