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American Horror Story

Season 10

imo - two half baked scripts mashed together into a "double feature" of weak conclusions. the acting in the 2021 alien segments were abysmal for the most part. episodes 1-5 of ptown vampires and the Eisenhower alien segments in the second half were the most watchable/enjoyable.

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I'm having such a hard time watching this season. I'm not interested in the story and even less interested in Finn's acting, which to me is very bad.

Takes me hours to watch a single episode, it bores me so I have to do something else and come back to finish it.

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How can I unwatch this?

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I'm only giving this season 5 stars because the first half was okay-ish and because they've cast that part great. The second part was garbage, absolute garbage. This was by far the worst season in the whole of the AHS universe.

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Red Tide (9/10) & Death Valley (6/10), the overall feeling after finishing makes me go to the overall 7.
To be fair, I really liked both of the stories. They were so full of potential and went on really well until... until the ending of either, or more specifically untill I realized it's for real the end of that story, and while the for my taste short span and kind of out-of-nowhere ending didn't really take that much from the first one (it still got 6 episodes, which I suppose is quite alright), the quick hop through the second one just didn't really make it for me. It was good, I binged and enjoyed it but then it left me mid-something knowing I'm not gonna get more. I believe this could've been a great season... if it had 12 episodes, 6 for each story. Real shame.

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Act 1 I'd rate an 8 but Act 2 a 6 (hence 7 overall). Bit of a mixed bag of a season and definitely in the lower rankings of the seasons as an overall view, which is a shame but by the law of averages means season 11 ought to be a better entry...fingers crossed!

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AHS has this continued power over me where I continue to watch it despite it being an overall disappointment since season 7. After apocalypse and 1984, I assumed this season was going to be unwatchably bad, I’m surprised that I ended up actually enjoying it…to an extent.

The first story of this double feature is not very compelling, but it is carried by some amazing performances and strong characters. While I found myself not really that intrigued by the overall plot, I still was fairly engaged with the characters.

The second story of the double feature had the complete opposite effect. I found myself really intrigued by the story, albeit short, but the acting was absolutely horrible and 3 of those younger characters will be lucky if they ever act again. I mean, acting so terrible you can’t help but cringe at what it would be like to be in charge of a multimillion dollar production and have that as your talent.

Overall, despite the shortcomings, it was definitely a decent watch, and an improvement from the last two seasons.

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Red tide 7/10. Death Valley 9/10. One of the best seasons, just behind Asylum. Too many AHS seasons have far too many episodes, meaning it drags on without purpose and leaves me giving up midway. This season way better, two good stories with the perfect amount of episodes. I rarely binge watch anything, but this I had to.

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Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2024-03-20T22:32:55Z— updated 2024-03-24T00:54:43Z

Red Tide : 7/10

Death Valley  : 5/10

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all in all it´s a meh season, just because Red Tide is like a 7 but Death Valley is ... ufff, was hard to watch and boring.
personally would have prefered that they stucked with the argument for Red Tide, which would probably have made it also better but at least it was a bit more interesting than Death Valley.
Love Sarah Paulson in Red Tide, the characterization is fucking awesome

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Part 1: 7/10
Part 2: 7/10

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This season is a mess. They didn’t seem to have enough story to last a whole season so they had one story that was fine but not particularly great and a shorter story that had a pretty interesting flashback portion and a dismal modern portion. Out of the two, I guess I liked the first part more but the flashback segments in the second story were the only parts I thought should have had an entire season to explore. I feel like this show might need to be put out to pasture soon because I hear the next season is also pretty average.

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I’m bored… same shit different day… Greed.. greedy for money, power, success, fame we all know it won’t end well.

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the second half with the alien theme was sooo boring, seriously what was ryan murphy thinking making a two part story for a single season when he couldn't even make a better one

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Red Tide (6/10) & Death Valley (2/10)

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the worst season of all time

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