Shouts about...

Altered Carbon 2018

Very disappointed so far. Seems like they just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall hoping something stuck. Four episodes in and didn't care to finish

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I think this could turn out great for a second season for now i'm staying at fair.

For me cut way back on the nudity. I don't need to see every female with more then 1 second screen time naked, their are other kinds of entertainment for that.

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For me season 1 was excellent season 2 is totally boring and did not finish watching

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I thought I might give this a second chance, but I had to stop at the OPSS* in S02E04. PSA: An obsessive, violent, possessive man hurting people to get back with his ex (whatever she thinks of it) is not the best choice of protagonist. But then you would have to care, and the flagrant misogyny of the whole series hammers home the point whoever ran this didn’t. Add incoherent worldbuilding, highly derivative aesthetics and the occasional bout of pretentious posturing, and the whole thing feels grossly sleazy.

* Obligatory Pointless Sex Scene

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A couple of minutes in and five naked people! Make that six! I'm turning this shit off. If they are hoping nudity will keep them a float, they are either shooting for really low ratings or a cancellation. Absolutely pathetic

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wow well I don't understand the negative comments here. This was one of the most refreshing new TV shows I've seen in a while. Having watched it all, there were great plot twists and an intriguing storyline.
I certainly do hope for a Season 2

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started out so nice .. then his sister appeared and everything went down the drain.

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Eh, I found it rather disappointing. I know in the mythology of the show stack tech has only been around a couple hundred years, but look at how different culture is with just a few decades of cell phones. Am I really to believe cross sleeving would even be a thing? If the stack can receive input from drugs, how would a body's natural hormones impact? Lack thereof in a synth body? And DNA tagging? When you jump sleeves, clone? What kind of identity verification is that?

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Shout by meluui
BlockedParent2018-02-04T08:03:23Z— updated 2018-02-13T06:55:27Z

To anyone who is still skeptical about this show: give it a chance! IMO the first four episodes felt like the producers & writers weren't sure where they wanted to go with the story and character arcs, but from episode 5 and on the show is truly amazing. I won't give any spoilers, but please stick around till at least episode 5 to decide whether or not you want to continue watching.

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For me this is the pique of SciFi for adults. It delivers with an innovative and creative take on the divide between upper and lower echelons of society. Told through a gritty narrative of dystopian resistance.

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First season: great cyberpunk thriller.

Second season: bad, boring plot that is all over the place. The only good thing left is the legendary barkeeper.

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the fuck wrong with second half

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I just finished Season Two, and while I thought there were moments of brilliance in Season One, I almost abandoned it in this latest season because of sloppy writing and the change of tone due to their recasting of the lead character. But, around Episode 4 (I didn’t give up) it picked up its pace and regained my interest. I agree with everyone who said that the character Poe was the glue that kept the series together in it’s rough patches. I give the series, Season One an 8 (moments of greatness) and Season Two a 4 to 7 (bad to good), rounding it out to a 7.5 out of 10 for the whole. [SyFi Drama]

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Shouldn't have been canceled, the executives really dropped the ball on that call.

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he killed his sister

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Shout by ALEX37330
BlockedParent2021-07-26T09:32:15Z— updated 2021-08-27T20:56:51Z

Season 1 way too long the show is very too pretentious except somme visual it has nothing.

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Season 1 was pretty good. Enjoyable, somewhat substantial and fun to follow. It does tend to get a bit muddy towards the second half but manages to wrap itself quite nicely.
However, season 2 was just not it. All the depth and cohesiveness that season 1 seemed to had was hurled out the window. They didn't take time to explore anything with grace and as a result felt very shallow and disconnected.

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really good cyberpunk story, i can fully recommend this show

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I’ve not managed more than 3 episodes but this show is so boring, I cannot bear it.
It’s such a weird setting. 300 years and not a single thing has changed. The worst is, that Hollywood writers don’t seem to have any ideas and everything is so not futuristic at all. Cars? Fly, but look exactly the same and need someone “flying” but also kind of not.
Very disappointing.

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I love this show. Altered Carbon seems to have some Westworld elements in it, especially in the intro of each episode but it's so much more trippier than Westworld. Can't wait to watch season 2.

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Netflix cancelled this. Rip. First season was awesome, second was kinda weak. But im gonna miss it.

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Season 1 was like a breath of fresh air, Season 2 was like a used shoe someone forced you to put on and walk a mile.

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1st season started great, but it became boring and annoying with each episode.
2nd season is just ridiculous and a waste of time. Can't wait to see how BAD 3rd season can be...

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I am totally a huge fan - of Season 1
I am totally and hugely disappointed by the shitty Season 2
How far the mighty fallen.
Season 2 is total garbage. Very sad

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The concept is amazing, this series could have been the best current sci-fi series (excluding space operas like The Expanse or Other Life), but they didn't think it through. It is full of plot holes, inconsistencies, and other minor annoyances that prevents you to truly love the show.

The concept of sleeves permits to change the main actor between seasons while keeping the continuity of the story, just like Doctor Who does for 60 years now, but unlike the Doctor, changing sleeves is not supposed to change your personality, so why, in the second season, Anthony Mackie does not incarnate Kovacs the same way Joel Kinnaman did in the first season?

It feels like an american remake of Ad Vitam: same idea about immortality and eternal life, with more action, very good CGI, but without the thrilling, convincing story and the amazing actors.

I would only recommend it to hardcore fans of sci-fi and futuristic worlds, but to noone else.

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I liked all the characters, but the story sucked.

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newest season is so bad compared to the first.. shame really.. had a lot of potential

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Shout by jlhopper

I had such high hopes for S2. Really liked S1, huge fan of Mackie, loved the concept of another actor playing Tak and seeing what would happen next and then MAN the whole season was just underwhelming. The only redeeming things that kept me watching were the Poe storyline and that they brought back Will Yun Lee. Was really hoping they’d somehow end the season with his sleeve being the one with the “real” Tak in it, but alas it looks like they are setting it up for an S3 (if there even is one after how bad this season was ) with a different actor to take up the mantle. Not sure I will tune in if they spin this up for another season. Guess it’ll depend on who they get to play Tak next.

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Shout by jlhopper

I had such high hopes for S2. Really liked S1, huge fan of Mackie, loved the concept of another actor playing Tak and seeing what would happen next and then MAN the whole season was just underwhelming. The only redeeming things that kept me watching were the Poe storyline and that they brought back Will Yun Lee. Was really hoping they’d somehow end the season with his sleeve being the one with the “real” Tak in it, but alas it looks like they are setting it up for an S3 (if there even is one after how bad this season was ) with a different actor to take up the mantle. Not sure I will tune in if they spin this up for another season. Guess it’ll depend on who they get to play Tak next.

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Second season not at same level of the first one at all

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season 1 started great and in the end went downhill. season 2 is the confirmation to stop watching .

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I went in with the expection of it being mediocre at best. Boy, was I wrong... Aside from minuscule continuity errors in the first half, I am blown away by this show's output.

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Supposedly will be released on February 27th.

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really out there but very good, supposedly a 2nd season is coming

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The worst show I have ever seen in my entire life. Couldn't even get through the first episode. It's so boring, bad acting, story, everything. True disappointment.

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The universe of Altered Carbon seemed quite interesting and it definitely is my kind of show. The writing in the last third was kind of lame though. At times it looked like a fan-made sci-fi with bad lines and pretty graphics, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. Really liked Joel Kinnaman but the actress that played Rei did such a bad job my god, every time she spoke I couldn't take it seriously. I wonder how we humans will evolve and how our lives will look some centuries into the future. This show really made me think about the consequences of people living forever. The universe is too good to waste and netflix has the means, here am I hoping for a waiting for season 2!

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Just started watching this and I love it. Sam Spade in a dismal, dystopian, Bladerunner style future. But then I love Sam Spade, Bladerunner and dismal dystopiae.The acting's very good, the settings brilliantly cgi'd and loads of beautiful naked women. You even get the odd bit of Bladerunner style synth music. I think what makes this interesting is the huge wealth divide that's going on with the wealthy literally living with their heads (and the rest of their bodies for that matter) in the clouds. It's not difficult to see this as a parable for our times. There's also the interesting backstory of the ethical argument that sleeving would present to those who follow religous dogma.

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Poe (the A.I that runs the hotel) is the most exciting character in the series.

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Shout by Deleted

It's also worth noting that Will Yun Lee plays Kovacs' recurring original Asian sleeve, though not in the credits on Trakt. Great show, close enough to the stories for booknerds like me to love it, different enough to mean new surprises for fans of both the books and TV series. Definitely one of the best modern science fiction series, along with shows like The Expanse.

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From the start this new series got my attention, but somewhat didn't like that much to be his sister the evil one. And the police Captain Tanaka got a glitch?? Well if he was a corrupted police, paid to be manipulated how he was the one who arrested the Bancrofts? Bancroft would. Anyway despite that, loved the series. Not that solid plot but good enough for my taste.

ps: POE is just amazing!!! Loved that AI. lol

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If you like the first episode of this series then you like the rest of the series as well.
This series remains consistently at a very high level in terms of quality and tension.

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i really love this show

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I've seen this done before. Very reminiscent of Joss Whedon's "Dollhouse" with less likeable characters and sub par acting. YAWN. I kept watching it to see if it would get better and it doesn't. To it's credit it did have some neat ideas about Religion in the future and some good fight scenes. Overall "meh". Will not be tuning in for a second season.

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I make it short: besides good scenes, some great ideas and an overall motivated cast, this show is just one thing:

style over substance

The whole Lizzie-Storyline, Jezz. What was that? Drama was created and in the next scene it's not important anymore.

I am greatly disappointed. But the production value is great.

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Decent , could’ve been better.

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Setting was stolen one to one from Blade Runner. However it all looks like a cheap copy. Story so far not convincing.

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Shout by Deleted

Really strange so far. Not sure verdict yet

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R.I.P. Poe! :'(

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Bad series with very unclear story, was a waste of time!

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Gets better towards the end.

The first few episodes could be cut shorter i think, even if it only was reducing some of the unnecessary nude scenes. Besides from that i think their onto something good. Sure their is still some things that seem more like a hit or miss "we will test it out" kind of thing but if they listen to the feedback their getting season 2 should be top notch.

For me i would say lose more off the nudity (seems like every female char that got more then 1 second screen time we got to see naked aswell)

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Good cyberpunk in netflix polished form. Obviously it has some problems in plot and 'logic', but overall quality is just so good. Planning to read/listen the book series now ;) so i'll have something to compere with.

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Shout by FatalMuzza
BlockedParent2018-02-24T00:45:10Z— updated 2018-02-26T08:17:01Z

Watched the entire 1st Season. The show is good, but there seems to be a gap between the quality of the production and the quality of the writing. If the visual spectacle were not there, this would be a very 'TV show' affair if you catch my drift.

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I keep coming back to this show and not because I like it. I've been trying to find anything worthwhile about this series. I've so far, come up empty handed. The characters are weak, wooden and very predictable. I found the storyline vague and confused. It's almost as if it's an afterthought. For me, this show is a tedious succession of gratuitous violence and cruelty, stitched together with a dreadful script and appalling acting. If that's your thing, you'll probably love this series. If you like your SciFi to be more cerebral. I've a feeling, you'll probably want to give this one a miss. Check it out though, as this is only my opinion.

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I am currently halfway through with this and damn this show uses some incredible syfy technology and has such an amazing world. So far this series has offered some beautiful eye candy.
Definitely recommend everyone to check it out.

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absolutely in love with this show

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I have really enjoyed it. Waiting for a season 2.

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I immediately regreted watching this, the show is so lazily writen with unlikable generic characters one of which commits multiple counts of police brutality and body theaft just to get the plot going. That wasnt ok in 24 after 9/11 do the writers really believe its gonna be acceptable now after the black lives matter movement. Also the dialoge is garbage.

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Sometimes you just click with a show and that was the case with me and Altered Carbon. I loved everything about it. The cast was amazing and diverse, beautifully made ... everything I want in a sci-fi show. A+.

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They should make Ortega the main character and change the show's title to Altered Cabrón.

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Excellent show, absolutely love it! If you have issues with sexuality/nudity or violence, don't bother though.

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I like this, although admittedly it's lot of style over any substance. It loses itself in so mysteries of uninteresting characters. It still promises a lot, delivers lesser. It's likely to get better though with next season.

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Great show & production value...not sure why there are so many haters. Read the negative reviews, doesn’t make sense.

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loved every episode of it. my favorite character is Poe !

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I found this show to be completely and utterly forgettable. I watched it not because it was interesting not even because I wanted to see how the story would end. I watched a few only because I wanted to give the production crew more rope to hang themselves by.. the very first episode I knew. this is higher Productions or some low budget uninspired waste of time. however I fought through the boredom for the sake of one or two characters that was somewhat entertaining. I would never ask you recommend a show to someone but if they create a second season I probably would watch it just to see where there would go with it.

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Enjoyed it - my interest grew with each episode. This is well done sci-fi. People's bodies are replaceable, as long as the "core", a person's individuality, soul and memories is kept. It resides in the back of the neck.

So, people can have their bodies damaged beyond repair, yet live another day by placing the core into a suitable host body. The story starts here with that premise. It's a who-dun-it with a surprising twist.

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Damn good sci-fi show about future tech and possible immortality.!¡¡!.

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Shout by Alexis
BlockedParent2018-02-06T17:37:56Z— updated 2018-03-26T14:52:30Z

These series are mediocre at best.

Boring and dull dialogs like teenagers talking to eatch other, characters are shallow and not interesting at all with no development and no depth. The only interesting character is Poe.
Script level is "oh im lt. Ortega and you are not letting me talk to my mum on the phone? take that criminal"... How do you expect to develop religious and ethical anguments with that level, so when they tried they looked funny and dull.
Acting is bad, overacting Higareda or emotionless Kinnaman and its feels like its just a competition for whom is the coolest.

In one sentence its all pretty (cgi) and no substance (script,actors). They lost the chance to do something good here.

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Loved it ...not what I expected .just hooked me from episode 1

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estetically pleasing, story quite weak, most annoying thing is to see every supposedly japanese character impersonated by various asian actors ( they all looks like, in it? )

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To be honest, telling by the images I saw before I started watching the show, I have to admit, that I was expecting way more from this. In the end, what is left is that the overall presentation, the images, the CGI, was what kept me watching. The one thing I was disappointed the most of, was the bad acting. Until this show, I always have been happy with the actors on the Netflix shows, more or less, but this time it just does not felt right. In addition, I did not like the overall production. There were so many scenes, which I did not like, because I thought that they did not fit the show. The story had its up and downs too, therefor altogether I do not think, that I will watch a/ the second season, if there will be one. I was hoping for a good SciFi show, but my expectations were not met entirely. Not even close.

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One of the best Scifi shows ever: dark, twisting plot, characters, cgi and special effects.
It gives a frightening possible human evolution where yourself could be downloaded in different bodies, rich people could live forever, the things and the lengths rich go to escape boredom, the gap between rich and poor and many other aspects of how our wotld might be. Brilliant.

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Boring, mystery dreck disguised as sci-fi to try to lure Blade Runner fans. #ABANDONSHOW #ONEEPISODEISENOUGH

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Finished watching it. I think it had a nice idea, but reaching the final episodes, it felt into cliches and became more and more implausible, specially the relationship between Tak and her sister.

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Before watching, I expected this would be a good cyberpunk, but no...
In reality, Altered Carbon is weak, extremely weak even.
To the point I actually have to say that I would suspect the majority like this series based on the reason why it has an M-rating, which is the nudity.
Sure, it doesn't follow the amazing books of Richard K. Morgan in quite some ways, but far more importantly, it is actually quite boring.
I could give a long explanation, but I know I can expect people to be against me for saying this regardless, so let me just be short about it.
Among the problems are: scenes that feel unfinished, too many filler scenes, sloppy acting, and explanations that feel to be repeating forever throughout episodes.
Also, missing the understanding of the importance appearance, like the impossible way how certain wounds are apparently healing throughout the episodes...
Of course, it has also good parts, like the amazing special effects.
But to me personally, the bad parts outweigh the good parts.

That are my 2 cents about Altered Carbon. Maybe you don't like it either, maybe you do like it. This is just my opinion.

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This is just a passable sci-fi drama. The acting is sub par, the dialog are worse, the camera angles are pedestrian and the story line is boring. If you have nothing else to watch, you might be interested in trying to watch this. But even the ending feels like the director knew what he had on his hands, and was expecting this show to be cancelled, which wouldn't surprise me.

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I finished it all on the same night/dawn. It was intriguing and impossible to stop. I thought nothing would surprise me positively about fiction after Westworld. Altered Carbon met and exceeded expectations. It is exceptional, among millions of frames, references, concepts and aesthetics.

The villain's resolutions and forgiveness in the face of the monstrosity of the same bothered me a little, but the genius of the concept and the icons are so great that they are above the script and any other appearance of defect.

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Just sat through two episodes and not impressed, struggling to hear the actors speak, just seem to mumble!

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Spectacular ! That’s the word , thank you Netflix for this .

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A dark and interesting speculation on a wold long past the singularity, where human consciousness can be downloaded and plugged into different bodies (or sleeves). What becomes of humanity in a world with such power and an ever widening gulf between wealth and poverty?

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