Shout by Roberto
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-12-30T20:23:22Z— updated 2023-01-09T11:46:10Z

Very strange ending where everyone gets a new chance to live.

Season 3 coming up with the joker?

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This episode was a real blast!

Early in 2021 I suffered a major medical condition and spent many days in ICU. The worst part was the sedation. The whole time I was under I was having nightmares, the sounds of all the equipment alarms were incorporated into my dreams. It was absolutely horrid, I thought I was in some evil world. Those nightmares are the only thing I remember until I awoke. The doctors all thought I was a goner. I must have declined.

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I think this episode made up for everything negative this season had to offer with bad decisions and writing. The scenes with Mira were mind-blowing and I'm not fully sure where to place those and who she was in the end. So both seasons happened during the one single minute those victim's hearts weren't beating anymore and everyone, who died in the Borderland didn't survive the meteor impact (so basically couldn't be revived in the real world and died "in-game" when they were declared dead in the real world)? I'm satisfied with this ending even though it's sad that noone can really remember each other which makes sense though because it happened in everyone's own head (but still they were in the same place :thinking:). Now give us a spin-off where they all become friends in the real world. :heart_eyes:

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I am very displeased with this season. I expected a lot from it and it ended up being "and it was all a dream", the worst possible decision for a season that has pulled for filling every episode with unnecessary dialogue and false depth.

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don't talk about the ending being poor if you haven't read the manga... the show cannot encapsulate the major themes in the same way a long-running manga could, and they did the best they could adapting the thematically complex source material into a 2 season show for the mainstream. the show is brilliant and the manga is better, gws if you disagree

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No spoilers, but a pretty disappointing ending for what had been an enjoyable show full of promise. it's hard to know how to end a show, but this ending is just full of holes and left me really dissatisfied.

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I really liked the ending. Borderland was the fine line between life and death. The games were the real life struggle to survive their meteorite induced injuries. quite clever, I thought.

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This season was mindblowing to me.
And this episode made up for the bits and pieces that seemed weird, rushed and/or the writing just wasn't up to par.
Overall, I think this series really made it to my top 5.

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Another scifi mystery show with a shitty nonsense ending. I dunno why I bother.

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Shout by Jecht Sin
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-02-09T00:43:38Z— updated 2023-02-12T10:07:30Z

All cool and fine, it was just a dream and not some alien abduction or else. Still, I’ve got few issues... Wtf happened to the people who didn’t decline?!? Are they in coma? Also, how did they know about each other? Did they meet in the limbo while the heart stopped??

I was expecting a much more detailed explanation. Instead of wasting half an hour with that psychiatric crap they could better elaborate. It feels like they took lessons from “Lost”. Not as bad as Lost finale, though. Nothing can be that bad.

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Wow! I had some trouble getting back in to this show the first few episodes, but it got better and finished brilliantly.

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After such an awesome first 7 episodes, I think they ran out of ideas for the ending.. this episode was quite poor in comparison.. I was expecting a huge finale ending but oh well.. maybe they’ll have a season 3 with the joker !

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Disappointingly lame explanation for what has happened during two whole seasons (even if it's faithful to the source material), but at least we got an awfully kawaii ending... :kissing_smiling_eyes:

... Except that very last intriguing shot may turn things around for a possible (though unlikely) third season :upside_down:

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Omg what? Idk why i expected something like this, maybe bc I'm an anime Watcher but omgggg hahah
But still a good plot twist for the ending

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Didn't mind the ending. Just felt like the pacing was off. Seemed to drag on and on. Didn't particularly like this season but have hopes for a third that can wrap it up better.

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silly ass end, Boring final game, this show is so done

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Of course, the revelation that the borderland wasn't real had to come sooner or later, but taking the road of 'it was all a dream' felt lazy and unsatisfactory.

The acting of the Queen of Hearts was solid though and the final shot wasn't too bad either.

I hope the show runners will clear up some of the still unexplained stuff in the next (and final?) season, and perhaps back away from this season finale a bit.

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Ok, waiting for Season 3, against Joker :joy:

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I enjoyed watching this !I dont think there will be a season 3.

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Season 2 was already bad but I can't decide which one is the most boring thing if croquet or this ending.
Anyone can tell me the role of Ann? Besides the come back promise...
Wouldn't surprise me if Netflix cancel the show.

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I didn't like the second season nearly as much as the first, and the ending felt like a waste of time.

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Why does it feel like this is not the end? I still think Queen of Hearts shouldn't be the last/hardest game.

And why would I like the "ending" more if they returned to the real world for the meteor to really kill everyone off? xD

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