Oof! The suspension of disbelief was strong with this one.

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Honestly, I feel not too bad when everyone got hurt, but after Kuina got stabbed several times by that knife, Jesus, heartbroken!

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How the King of Spades went from Terminator T-1000 to Star Wars stormtrooper in one episode.

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If all those characters had actually died, which they should have after what happened to them, then this might have been the best and most shocking episode of this show yet. But they didn't die. Only one did, and so this episode is actually trash for being so unbelievably ridiculous. If someone can survive being shot up their entire torso point blank with an automatic weapon, and someone else can survive that many stab wounds, then why should I EVER believe that any of these characters are actually in danger?

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Totally blown away by this episode. Such a thrillride.

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Wow, crazy episode. Hopefully a later episode doesn't retcon the outcome because I love when a show isn't afraid to kill off some of the main characters. It was a little questionable how the archer lass survived half an AK clip and was still crawling around by the end so I fear everyone may live after all but on its own this may be one of the best episodes so far.

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So you are telling me a dude with an assault rifle can't hit a slowly moving human target even when he's ambushing but somehow has no problem hitting a thrown tiny can mid-air with a pistol while falling from a building and already having been shot himself.

All the other stuff that happened in this episode was unbelievable as well. A girl surviving multiple close range shots in the torso, a woman surviving multiple knife stabs in the lung, a dude surviving a shotgun wound in the chest and the list goes on...

This was the worst and most lazy executed episode so far.

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Worse episode by far.
How do you make a show about games of intellect, team work and treason and you kill all the cast in a generic action scene. Well, fake deaths for most :frowning:
How you get rid of Chishyia so lamely :cry:
I hope they don’t fake the deaths cause then it will be just worse :joy:

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First they give us a mediocre season with only a handful (namely, three?) enjoyable games, and now they’re just rushing through them.
And what the hell happened with their plan? They said they’d act as decoys and lure him into the store. Instead, they’re all just buying time by dying. Badly.
And of course something makes them so superiour to everyone else playing, that only they can get in shots and manage not to get shot immediately, while everyone else just dies on sight. :rolling_eyes:
Having to register for the last game right after barely beating the next to last doesn’t make sense either. Usually you could register whenever you’re ready. Not while you’re already beaten half to death.

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look i know he did a lot of murdering in the ten of hearts but aguni is my favorite character and the only one who's made me cry in this show

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Finally some worthy action from the King of Spades who was the most laughable villain ever put into a show up until his final fight scenes. So many deaths (?) though.. :sob::sob::sob: :thinking: (not sure about this, they were still way too chatty and active for being shot and stabbed multiple times, they'll probably survive ^^)

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chishiya, ann, heya, and kuina died ..... i cant accept this !!!!!!!!!

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Shout by MokiNS

Great action sequences in this episode but personally the main cast of characters had too much plot armor, Ann is the only one I think died this episode, Chishiya survived being shot twice, Niragi survived being shot with a rifle while vomiting blood , Kuina survives multiple stab wounds, Aguni survived being shot in the head (twice I think) and Akane survived getting AKed in half. Honestly the King of Spades didn't feel like a real threat untill he unloaded that AK clip into Akane it just felt like everyone had plot armor and now that we have only 1 confirmed death it still feels like they have it and that the only thing the King did was make sure only Arisu and Usagi can play the last game.

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But in the end he is a normal guy, why the f they made him unbeatable like this :)))))
And they did a lot of Killing at the end too lol

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Season 1 was great.

Season 2 is bad with a few sprinkles of good.

This episode killed it for me.
Either the King of Spades has an unlimited supply of NERF bullets & none of the weapons in this world are real or little Asian people are all Marvel super mutants.
King of Spades never made sense anyway... Why does he not have a game? Why is he just shooting people? It's dumb.

Shit like this is why I never got into Anime.
It's all suspension of disbelief and plot armor and superhuman Asian girls.

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hhhh seriously wtf why are they not dying?

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Please king of spade, kys irl, ty

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This episode killed me in so many ways! Chishiya!!
Its weird that the character we know is the last game. Like, Queen of Hearts shouldnt be the HARDEST. We had a King of Hearts game already. Nevertheless, these games are def way harder than the 1st season ones so good job.

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