[7.2/10] I gotta admit, I didn’t really get this one. It had some cool, out there bits, and I liked the unlikely trio of Finn, Jermaine, and Betty, but I wasn’t really sure what the episode was getting at. There’s obviously the sense that Betty (and by extension, Magic/Normal/King Man) are too obsessed with one individual that keeps them from progressing with their lives, but that’s a kind of weird message considering that Finn and Jermaine are facing fears and traversing obstacles in order to save someone whom they both care about.

It’s certainly poignant when Betty uses her magic to keep her past self from meeting Simon, but again, I don’t know what it amounts to. Still, I like Jermaine teaming up with Finn rather than Jake as a novelty, and Jermaine’s nervousness and fear makes for an interesting counterpoint to Finn’s bravery. Plus, it’s cool to see more of Mars post-Magic Man and it’s a novel way to bring Jake back.

Overall, a bit of a headscratcher of an episode, but one with a lot of cool individual moments and some neat, out there Adventure Time imagery.

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