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24 2001

I must have more Jack Bauer. More Jack. More episodes. Please bring Jack back.

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the best TV serie I have ever watched, it is really entertained and all the time is happening something different, the plot is always moving forward which keep you hooked to what's going on... I really recommend it.

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The greatest show to ever exist. My only wish is that I was old enough to experience the show during the height of its popularity. Regardless, 24 is a show that I will keep on rewatching for the rest of my life. Long live Jack Bauer!

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Best. Show. Ever. Period. Every episode, every season is just magical. Jack Bauer is the single most influential character ever, and the best of all-time. This show is a perfect mix of action & thriller, it's a masterpiece and only one of its kind. Never to be duplicated.

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Plenty of twists and also very clean

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why do we need 24 legacy...bring back jack!!

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is there any chance that 24 will come back?
even if it's for a movie .
when you watch Jack Bauer the person who loves his country and no matter what he will protect it from danger and no one appreciate it?it's just breaks my heart

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My biggest complaints are that they gave us a short day 9, and that nobody on the entire production staff can can seem to get Keifer to pronounce the word nuclear. It's ridiculous to see such a well done show, and constantly hear that they have a 'nucular' weapon. Give me a break

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My biggest complaints are that they gave us a short day 9, and that nobody on the entire production staff can can seem to get Keifer to pronounce the word nuclear. It's ridiculous to see such a well done show, and constantly hear that they have a 'nucular' weapon. Give me a break.

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My biggest complaints are that they gave us a short day 9, and that nobody on the entire production staff can can seem to get Keifer to pronounce the word nuclear. It's ridiculous to see such a well done show, and constantly hear that they have a 'nucular' weapon. Give me a break.

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Shout by Will

Happy to see they left it open ended for another season. :)

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Lets hope there will be a season 10 !

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ten years, 200, great

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Excelente y adictiva

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Top serie

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Джеку придется поднажать. С момента окончания 8 сезона, сериалы сильно прибавили. Посмотрим, пока нельзя сказать, вытянет ли 9 сезон, но сценаристам явно нужно придумать что-то большее, чем просто очередные террористы и крутой Джек.

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Please change the key art for season nine, it currently season seven's

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Please change the key art for season 9. It's currently season 7s

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Please change the key art for season 9. It's currently season 7's key art.

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Please change the key art for season 9. It's currently season 7's key art.

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i'm happy because of starting this amazing series again and i'm waiting (via Clutter for Windows Phone)

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Watch it 2 times and still i want to watch this amazing serial

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Highly recommend this full action and fast paced show, some times the episodes went on but really enjoyed the complete run, and so happy that it's coming back! This might start the regeneration of previously ended shows which may be a good thing. Season 4,5 and 8 are my favourites.

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the best show on tv

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Sure it's repetitive and formulaic, but watching Jack Bauer kick ass never gets old. I especially like how he just goes straight Rambo a lot of the time in the later seasons.

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It may be plagued with continuity errors and reusing the same old formula over and over, but the acting from the main cast is on point, so many likeable characters and watching Jack kick ass as some kind of one man army is exactly why it's good. You take die hard, inject it with some cocaine and voila, 24. People complaining about it and voting it low seem to be people that would turn up at a Guns and Roses concert and complain it's not Max Richter. If you're looking for elegance, look elsewhere. If you want to watch some terrorists get what's coming to them without too much to think about, then this is it.

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Formulaic, yes. Is there fluff in there that is worthy of skipping, yup. Anything that has very little to do with Jack skip it for instance anytime the President is talking to his wife, daughter, son, husband.. SKIP IT. Saves you time and much faster action. Season 6 is absolutely the worst in comparison to the rest. However above all else Jack is the best.

Also series regular actors/actress' episode counts are all divisible by 12 or 24. Had to be intentional.

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The Nina double cross was a shocker in season 1. After that the show had a CTU double cross, like every season. As well as White House double crossers and moles.
The show was always watchable though due to Kiefer Sutherland. As well as fine action and big guest stars. Like Dennis Hopped. The first is probably the best season though.

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I loved this show, I wish they continued.

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Jack Bauer, how can we ever live without you?

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One of the best serie ever !!!

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The world is in danger, again. A bunch of people get killed and Jack saves the world, again. Still fun the 9th time around ;-)

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@snown you forgot the part where someone inside CTU is working for the bad guys.

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@snown You forgot the part where they discover that someone inside CTU is working for the terrorists.

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@snown you forgot the part where they discover that someone inside CTU is working with the terrorists. EVERY. FUCKING. SEASON.

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Even though every season is the same story and structure with a few adjustments, it is still awesome.

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Season 7 has 25 chapters. The last one is missing here

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Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2022-12-28T07:04:59Z— updated 2024-05-10T21:42:50Z

The first season was unforgettable, unmissable and groundbreaking TV.
The following seasons are the exact opposite; they gradually become more infuriating to watch because of the slew of incompetent characters, constant interpersonal relationships and bizarre plot twists.
The worst thing I don't like about this series though is that it's called 24 yet they point-blank refuse to use the 24 hour clock.

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It had an unique concept by telling a season story in real time meaning one hour on TV (with commercials) would be one hour in "real life story". Kiefer Sutherland do one of the most memorable T.V. action heroes put on the small screen. Some impressive location work and action set pieces. Strong first three years. Cuthbert becoming a sex symbol with this show. Sadly the show become a parody of itself in the end with the same story recycled every season with: a traitor in CTU (check!), a evil conspiracy close to the president (check!), evil family members or kidnapped daughter/love interest/friend/partner (check!), terrible data-security at the serverbase (check!) and at least one episode per season where Keanu interrogates and tortures a prisoner.

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I hate this damn show. Started pretty well. First season had me hook and then the usual happen. The show turns into a circus. The story is unrealistic. Jack is a brute. The plot in all seasons are identical. You can predict what's going to happen in the next 10 episodes in a each season after watching the first 6. The show is prejudice and racist. I swear if I was from the middle of east I would of sued the producer and writer. Jack don't obey the law. He obeys no one. He follows no rules but he gets away with it. He kills and torture people and get away with it. He never lost a fight. He fights soldiers like himself and always win. Like don't they all got the same training you got lol. Like come on. You can ways count on him to save the day. I particular hate stupid plots like this. I am an American and I hate this crap about American shows. The white hero always saving the fucking day business. How about a black or Hispanic or Middle East guy saving the world for once. And stop making people more stupid with his computer geniuses in these shows who seems to know how to do it all. If that was so true than a lot of people who are engineers like myself in the IT field would of been unemployed. No you can not copy an entire data center to a bloody thumb drive. I see these none sense in two many shows. 24, Nikita, alias, etc...they all have this one guy who can do it all. I can believe this crap is coming back.

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Why is there only 12 episodes???? is a nuke gonna blow in Episode 12???

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after 1st season our system couldnt get more. my wife and I tried 3 times to watch S2E1 but we couldnt stand.

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Watched the first episodes of season 9. Well, they didn't re-invent the wheel - it's 24. And if you liked it before you probably like it again. Storylines in general are as usual but for me it feels cheaper than before production wise. Looks like a lot less money went into it.

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If you'd've asked me to rate this show while I was watching it, as a registered Republican, I'd have given it a solid nine out of ten stars, and, I used to think it was a very important made me believe that in certain circumstances torture is beneficial and necessary.
However, then I learned about the history of torture by the police in America (USA, where I've lived and grown up) -- I was such a sucker. Rupert Murdoch kept this show on the air for years after it lost all of it's corporate sponsors. He bought his alter ego like a cloak of invisibility and brainwashed me, relying on my addiction to video content (Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, etc.)...the alter ego is called Fox and Fox News. I was such a sucker! Fuck you, Murdoch! And, Fuck 24!
Even Mr. Sutherland called it shit when talking to his Dad, when he went home to Canada ("I'm glad our people don't watch that crap.").

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Jesus Christ almighty – this is so crappy! Sorry, but I was so happy when the first season ended, and I would never dream of picking up season two. It makes Lethal Weapon seem both contemplative and believable in comparison.

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Each season is way too formulaic.

  1. Someone/something poses a threat to the President/USA/World
  2. Only Jack Bauer’s unique skill set and no holds barred style can resolve the threat.
  3. Half way through the season the threat is neutralized
  4. Jack Bauer and the rest of the cast run around for the rest of the season tying off loose ends that could just as easily be left for another day, instead of going to bed like a normal person because this show is called “24”

I truly enjoy the first half of these seasons, but I often get bored of the pointless tasks that the characters perform during the second half of the season just because the need to fill 24 hours/episodes.

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I kept hearing how great this series is, and thought I should give it a shot However I didn't even get through the first episode. I'm probably one of the few with this opinion, but it's just not interesting at all and it so incredibly slow. Sorry guys, this just really isn't the show for me!

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Shout by Ben

24 will return in early May as tentpole event drama "24: Live Another Day", which will arc through the summer.

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Watch 1st season. Then imagine re-watching that season 10 consecutive times sans a few reworks but it's great if senility
runs in the family or dementia.

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I'll have to admit, 3 episodes into season 1 and I was hooked. I couldn't stop the binge. I bet it was very painful for those who followed the weekly run back then.

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Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParent2023-08-26T00:17:42Z— updated 2023-08-27T07:44:09Z

Personal season ranking: S5 > S4 > S1 > S3 > S2 > S9 > S7 > S6 > S8.

The show was monumental during its time - hearing about it was practically inescapable back when it was airing. Jack Bauer is an icon. It has its ups and downs. Some of it really drags on, but when it gets going, it gets going. You have to buy into the action movie style cheesiness in order to derive any enjoyment from it, but if you do, you'll have a fun time. Just be ready for made-up technology nonsense and everyone being a potential double agent.

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Watch 1st season. Then imagine re-watching that season 10 consecutive times sans a few reworks but it's great if senility runs in the family or dementia.

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What a show 24 is I never ever get tired of watching it no matter how many times I've all the seasons I'll watch them over and over as just top show

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de departe cel mai tare serial de te plictisesti nici o clipa

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great comeback hope it lasts a bit longer

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The duration of each episode is listed as 1 hour... While that would be awesome, it's not true. Can that be fixed? Should be around 43 minutes.

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I hope Fox resurrects it for full primetime television. Missed it

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luv it

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Highly recommended

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great series!

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