Personal Lists featuring...

Michael B. Jordan


This section is dedicated to all the incredibly handsome and talented male actors I love. Having both acting ability and being handsome seems to be a rare quality these days. But, I'm happy to say, they are out there. By the way, Mike Colter is my new internet husband! LOLOLOLOL. I can't wait to see him in more projects! Hope you enjoy this list.


*Winner - Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier/Professor X; Logan
Who do you think deserved it?


Actors that are wanted for pretty much everything. Even if they aren't right for the part. Some on the list can act; some can't "Channing Tatum."
Shia and Kutcher were in everything until...they weren't famous anymore....
Idris Elba is only here because his fans don't see why he isn't cast in every role possible. Why can't Elba play the shark in a Jaws remake ?
