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Wrong Turn 2021

I have a feeling that this movie will be considered a classic horror film in a few years. It’s an instant classic for me. Criminally underrated.

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Shout by Leaaan66

It‘s a good movie. Thrilling from beginning to the very end. But in my opinion it has nothing to do with the original Wrong Turn Series. Yes I know it‘s a reboot and it‘s still about a strange community living isolated from the rest of the world somewhere in the forest, or espacially in this case on a mountain, that doesn‘t cringe from using brutal violence to keep strangers away. But I‘m really missing these hideous creepy gory incest family and their distusting and I think also very creative (and ‚funny‘) ways to kill people. 
Though it‘s a good movie with some socially critical aspects and definitely worth a watch.

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Shout by Volwraith

I'm actually shocked how not completely horrible this was. I didn't have much hope going into it, expected another woke filled watered down remake but what I got was a nice horror movie with good kills and a strong "final" girl. I feel like them using Wrong Turn title is wrong but it's really not a big deal. It's the second best movie with Wrong Turn in it's title, I can say that much. Originally was going to give this a 7 but I'm feeling really good about bumping it to an 8.

Also one of the best endings in a revenge drivem horror movie? Straight up murders them all.

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Decent film. Ignore the negs.

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Far better than it has any right to be. Fantastic traps/gore. Genre fans won't want to miss this gem. 7.5

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NOT a wrong turn movie, but I liked it good! It was fun to watch and intriguing... at times I thought it was going to be silly from there and after but no, it kept my interest until the end.

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If you've seen the trailer, then you've probably figured this out already. It's worth mentioning at the top though, that you shouldn't go into this expecting a campy horror film featuring superhuman inbreeds like the original. Instead this loosely borrows the premise from the first film and delivers something with a more serious tone, believable threat and less formulaic story. I can understand if some fans are disappointed by this, but I think it's much better for it.

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Shout by benminix
BlockedParent2021-02-16T05:46:24Z— updated 2021-02-17T05:52:18Z

I liked the first Wrong Turn movie and only watched 1 of the many sequels and didn't like it. This movie could have been called something different because its kind of its own thing completely. If you can get through the first 20 minutes of the main characters beating the audience over the head with how progressive they all are, it actually turns out to be a pretty good movie. It makes you think the bad guys are just going to be cliché southern racists but then it quickly takes a turn into uncharted territory. The movie keeps you on your toes all the way up to the end credits and even after the credits start rolling. Definitely worth a watch.

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Went in just for the gore but was actually a fun watch.. bonus!..I think I seen a couple relatives too

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If you are looking for a movie that fits into the Wrong Turn franchise mold, this is not it. But if you judge this Wrong Turn on it's own merits, you will find its a fine piece of horror. It's uncomfortable at times, cringeworthy (in a good way) at others and that ending, which i wasn't expecting, is pretty spectacular. I love that cover art too.

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I get the feeling this became a "wrong turn" reboot from a different script.

starts with the typical annoying bunch of teens going to get killed in the woods, Then there's a nice turn away from the butchered by silly hilly billies expectation. not the first time i've seen this

I was told it was shit, but it's a pretty good film.

No its not the gorefest of the original's sequels, its a different type of movie.

why do the towns people suddenly give much more info to some random dad?. why doesn't the hotel woman tell the Jen what she tells her dad. to not stray from the track, people live in those woods and you'll go missing ?

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First of all not to bad but nothing like part1-3 but still worth to watch.
Sad no real Hilbillis are in it........
Some stupid parts where also in like they killed first one of them with the tree and nobody talked ever about it..........
The fake pre ending was also great and the real ending also nice :)
7/10 could be 8 if the kills would be much harder....... and the people look to clean :D

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This movie is a good movie worth to wacht, however it should´ve been given a different name because it has nothing to do with the previous "Wrong Turn" movies.

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A film that has little to do with the original film "Wrong turn" and is a little weaker, at least in terms of hectoliters of blood, cannibalism, etc., as we were used to in previous episodes. This is not to say that the film is bad. Despite these things, the film has an interesting script, tension and atmosphere. And I honestly think this part is better than 5 and 6 parts. Of course, it's not a movie hit, but as an average horror that won't disappoint, if you don't like hectoliters of blood, don't look for them in this movie. And except for the rather embarrassing ending, it wasn't a bad sight.

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Well don't go into it thinking that it's a part of the wrong turn films because it's far off with not really any similarities, just a film by the same writer with the same name as them films even thought all over the internet says It's a reboot/remake.

I thought the film was average, some average action too and nothing amazing, nothing i've not seen before from horror films with a simple plot, also with a cast that did alright. I liked the ending scene more than the rest of the film and liked how the ending credits were happening at the same time.

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-07-31T01:22:39Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:33:14Z

As a fan of the original, The Foundation angle could be good on paper, but they made it absolutely stupid AF.
Good moments but does not live up to the original series.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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It was an alright movie. Third wave feminism nods were on the nose - girls changing car tires because boys can’t, girls standing against bullies in a bar because men are scared to, etc. It was better once it left 2020s social commentaries behind and concentrated on the actual story. Ending wasn’t terrible either. At least not compared to other recent releases (looking at you The Little Things).Still had a lot of silly unbelievable moments but it’s expected in this genre and watchable. I’d still recommend the previous version rather than this one. At least you’d be dealing with a straight up slasher movie that knows what it is.

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"They said they would be the foundation on which a new nation would be built."

To be honest, I went into the Wrong Turn reboot with low, low expectations but luckily for me it was entertaining. I enjoyed the new direction, I get the new direction and I kind of enjoyed the ending a lot.

Star of the movie is Charlotte Vega who makes this work. The gore was better then I anticipated and I always love those creepy skull masks. Never saw any of the sequels to the original, so this is basically the second Wrong Turn movie I have ever seen and I must say, for a reboot it is not that bad. And I didn't mind that they dropped the cannibalistic side of the original.

Decent reboot but I must be honest, I don't think we needed a reboot at all.

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It does not have relation to the original, and I started liking this one more that the first one, but didn't like the revelation of whom the "bad guys" were and the decisions the main characters made from then on. It could have been a 8/10 but turned out a 6/10.

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Deserves points for trying to do something different with the franchise but it still falls into some of the usual genre tropes. Watchable but the right turn at this point would be to lay this film series to rest.

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Certainly not a reboot or a remake and the movie was pretty fun watch. The way the climax scene and credit roll was shown was very different and added to the fun. 6/10

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Meh... Doesn't hold up to the original movies. I couldn't keep focus on this one - was busy updating my personal network during the movie. Definitely a one-watch movie.

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Antebellum for crackers.

Wrong Turn borrows a lot from every other film that's gone before--from Deliverance to Bone Tomahawk, passing through The Village--without giving anything back.

We're getting to the bottom of the reboot barrel and what they've come up with isn't without style and has its moments, but just watch The Descent again instead.

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I watched this on the strength of the trailer and my liking of the other 'Wrong Turn' movies.

Overall, better than I thought it would be - some neat ideas, great effects and photography. Acting was alright but what can you do with this sort of movie? :-)

I think it used the movie title to pick up fans but it shouldn't have done that - should have stood on its own merits and been titled "The Foundation".

However, a special mention has to go to the last 15 minutes and ending credits... keep watching! ;-)

6.5/10 - worth your time and if you want to read more, click the spoiler text below...

I loved the very clever nod to the 'other Wrong Turn movies' when Jen tells her dad about the DVD the kids are watching tonight with 'inbred cannibals' and the dad replies "what, again?" Nicely done.

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Having no allegiance to the Wrong Turn franchise myself, I found this to be a decent slasher with an intriguing social commentary undertone. Lots is said here about our current society, stereotypes and prejudice, but remains surface level enough to not draw any form of deep discussion. Decent, but not the revolutionary reboot the studio were probably hoping for. (Side note: god damn does this movie love gory, head smashing deaths. Take a shot every time someone dies from a head injury or skull smashing. You’ll not make the credits :sweat_smile:)

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It’s a remake without being a remake, maybe that’s why it makes it a little better than the source material. I really enjoy the storyline, i’m happy they didn’t really stick with the rest of the franchise. Actors did well, for the genre, it’s a good little horror flick.

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Wrong Turn reboots the franchise and takes the series in a new and frightening direction. When a group of hikers get lost along the Appalachian Trail they run afoul of a separatist group called The Foundation and have to fight to survive. The move away from cannibalism is a welcomed change and allows the film to explore issues of prejudice, justice, and isolationism in interesting ways. Additionally, the kill scenes are gritty and visceral without being gratuitous. However, the writing’s a little weak; particularly is how it tries to use time jumps to create mystery. Yet despite its problems, Wrong Turn proves to be a good turn for a series that had become stale and cliché.

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I think it was a good remake of the original. Instead of in-bred freaks, it's a actual group of people living in the woods. Still had some gory moments though.

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Shout by Hitori_Musuko
BlockedParent2021-03-11T21:43:52Z— updated 2021-03-18T23:16:03Z

What kind of reboot doesn't link to the original movie/s that it's named after? Rated it slightly lower partly because of that.
Feels like there's a lot happening, but not really any reason for it other than to keep the movie going longer
There's a lot of continuity issues. The acting is okay and its decently shot, but a bit of a dumb story that never really goes anywhere.
Also the ending kind of makes it all pointless. The changes to the cannibal inbred family wasn't exactly for the best.
Wouldn't recommend.

Also, I haven't seen the show yet, but from reading the plot and seeing the trailer, this movie is kind of just a horror version of that series Outsiders (2016).

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No, you are not eliza dushku, no these are not these are not cannibals and no, not even you trying to be a Katniss going Postal saves this movie

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what was that? better watch the original one again :/

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An ok slasher movie. I liked the plot. Was expecting the gore to go all in, greeted by its social commentary instead.

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Poor acting, pathetic characters, ridiculous stereotypes, and a superficial screenplay.

Might have well have been a fan made tribute movie.

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Shout by sp1ti

Yeah what the heck. Besides the title this has little in common with the "Wrong Turn" movies. While some individual scenes themselves play out OK others turned out really dumb... essential "character building" is left to the imagination (it's a horror movie, I know) and ultimately the dreamt up scenario makes very little sense. I never watched all of the sequels but I'd imagine that even if they're objectively bad they probably turn out to be more fun than this given that they don't want to be taken as serious.

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The inbred hillbilly version is so much better.

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Why is this thing called "wrong turn" ??
Nothing to do with the original movies, where are my three crazy hillbillies ?? Waited for them to show up at some point, disappointing movie.

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The first twenty minutes are generic stuff, nothing special. Right afterwards I just wanted pretty much everyone to experience a painful death to end this miserable movie asap.

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Possibly the worst film I’ve ever seen.

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Bad movie, bad story, bad acting, bad bad bad...etc
Waist 1 hour of my life

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This is called Wrong Turn, why... Exactly? Seriously. Somebody explain to me how this is in any way related to the original series. I don't turn off a lot of films. I usually tend to see it through till the end. I also usually don't rate 1 star. But this is just insulting. They knew they had a shit film on their hands and just added that title to trick people into watching it. I could've respected it if it was named something else.

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Usually I try to find as most positive aspects as I can
But this movie...I stopped watching after 45 minutes
It has nothing to to with the Wrong Turn movies 1 to 6
Stupid and hysterical teenagers makes me edgy.
The "bad" people of the forest cult sect are boring
Sorry, they had stolen the title "Wrong turn" for this boring movie. It's a fake for really Wrong Turn Fans to buy this movie.

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Decent film, completely different from the original wrong turn series but still worth a watch

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Remarkably good In most areas where it counts in the horror-Thriller genre. Not every action is believable but need to be there to carry the story to the next level. Anyway, you get sucked in and keeps you watching until the end and that makes a good movie in my book!
Some gore but not anything more than let's say the walking dead series.
Recommend to watch!

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Shout by Scott

And yet no one ever calls the state police, FBI or the military :wink:

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I honestly think this is a fantastic reboot because it set itself apart from being a copy of The Hills Have Eyes to being it's own thing. Even towards the end of the movie it took a stab at the previous iterations of the series. And looks like this could just be a one shot movie which I appreciate no need for several sequels. All in all I think this was a good movie and reboot of the series.

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Yooo this movie is TRASH!!!! Wtf shit confusing original wayyyy better

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