Shouts about...

White House Down 2013

This is one the best action movies ever. I see a lot of hate for it here but it was just fantastic. If loving this movie is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

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could sworn i already watched that movie ... oh right, Olympus Has Fallen from 2013

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Good but too long. I got tired at some point

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Wow wow wow, let's first talk about the casting cause that was brilliant. Look, there is nothing special here about the plot of an attack of the White House from within cause people are angry, blah blah blah, but it was a very entertaining plot. The way it introduced each main character and then submerge them immediately into the thick of what was going on at the current time was brilliant as it made the audience fall in love with them and be close to each one of them as the journey goes on which makes for many emotional scenes and a great ending. One last great part was the multiple big twists, especially at the end.

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Forget "A Good Day to Die Hard", THIS should have been the new Die Hard movie. With only a few changes this could easily have replaced Channing Tatum with Bruce Willis as John McClaine. Other that a few minor flaws, it surprisingly delivered all the thrills of a classic 80s action movie. Sure the plot was preposterous - but that's kind of what makes it fun. For pure DieHardian action this movie leaves you smiling.

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Another movie dragged down by the awful Jason Clarke. Pretty much the same movie as Olympus has Fallen, which is slightly better. But at least this one has Joey King, which is always enjoyable.

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Go to the White House they said, it'll be fun they said

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I actually preferred this to Olympus Has Fallen, a lot more happened. Great film.

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A fitting Summary for the Movie would be:

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Saw most of it on cable the other night. A sad clone of Die Hard, with awful CGI graphics. Terrible movie, needlessly complicated plot.

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Bad movie. Plot holes, bad acting, sci-fi action, too long. Tatum should remain at dancing, Foxx is bad as well.
Out of the two movies about attack on white house, Olympus Has Fallen was (i my opinion) better movie.
I do not recommend this movie at all.

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This is popcorn entertainment at its very best. Such an incredible and enjoyable ride from start to finish.

Also how the main characters all have their vendetta's solved at the end with the bad guys they have been chasing since the beginning.

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Watchable when you're in a comatose state and cannot reach the remote.

Absolute drivel though.

Some of the worst CG I've seen and, given it is 2013, it makes Iron Eagle - from the 1980s! - look good.

Olympus Has Fallen is the better version of this premise.

This one is almost drinking game material. Every time they show shitty CG, take a shot. And book your hospital room and stomach pump in advance.

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VESA nom supporting visual effects

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There were bad terrorists, there was a president and some hero out of nowhere who saved the world. What more could you want? ;)

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Shout by Ro

“- Cale: You are a goddamn traitor, sir.
- Raphelson: Now when the country finds out that your belovedPresident helped a maniac open the nuclear football, who do think they'll believe? Now you would be a nobody, whereas I am the President of the United States.
- President Sawyer: Oh no, you're not!”

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Mediocre at best.. Pretty boy trying to be action star.. Not happening. Too drawn out with irrelevant story lines that go nowhere

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My first mistake was thinking this flick would be right up there with Olympus Has Fallen. As a matter of fact that was my only mistake.

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GREAT. Good, good action, great comedy moments, and all of this with veteran actors. Recommended.

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because we have the pack of Roland Emmerich hand we see this, it's still entertaining and better target the Olympus Has Fallen

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Suspend your disbelief and you will have one hell of a good time.

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I usually hate stupid movies like this but the cast was very good and kept it entertaining, definitely better than Olympus Has Fallen.

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Personally I prefer Olympus on all accounts. Sure it's a matter of taste but I´m not seeing one area where this was the better movie.

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Fun to watch, way better then Olympus has fallen

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4.5 in my book. Too predictable and especially corny in some places.

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It's so hard to take Jamie Foxx as a serious actor!

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I was thinking about skipping this one because I already had seen Olympus Has Fallen and I thought that it would be the same old story all over again. But my mother wanted to see it and I decided to watch it with her.

White House Down is pure entertainment and some scenes are fun to watch but it is just too long! I asked myself many times when it was going to end! The plot is bad. The acting is bad, Jamie Foxx and Chaning Tatum gave one of their worst performances. Maggie Gyllenhall and James Woods did reasonable work within the possible. Oh and the little girl who plays Tatum's daughter did a very good job! The CGI is bad, some of the sets looked so unreal.

Comparing White House Down with Olympus Has Fallen I prefer Olympus. The plot is much more structured and there are less ridiculous moments.

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It's not often there are two so similar movies with this kind of production value. Olympus down was worth a watch, and so is this one. They have a similar theme, but, in a way, very different execution.

If I'd have to choose I'd actually choose this one. It has a bit more to the story, and are not so darn patriotic as Olympus Down.

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It was better than I thought it would be. And Tatum looks very good in a wife beater.

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dumb but kinda fun. at two hours I thought it was too long, but at least I finished this one... I turned off Olympus halfway through.

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Freaking awesome.. Loved every minute of it.

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I don't know why so many people dislike it. I absolutely loved every minute of it :D

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Not the best movie in the world by a long shot but not bad if you just want to watch explosions for a couple of hours. Premise is painfully similar to Olympus Has Fallen, which is the better movie.

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Did you watch the latest Die Hard movie? It was terrible. This movie is basically Die Hard without Bruce Willis. It was pretty good.

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Shout by Deleted

ur average action movie, nothing new here. plot holes, some good action scenes, lack of good acting even with a good cast. seemed liked a political debate this one though...

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It is sooo bad. Waste of time.

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I loved it!!
Great movie with enough action

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This looks like the dumbest movie that I will love every minute of

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