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What Josiah Saw 2021

Surprising twist at the end and a great third act. It's everything before that that didn't impress me it could of been much shorter and it was so slow. It doesn't offer anything new or memorable. Great actors and tone.

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An intriguing, interesting story, where everything falls into place during the movie. The pace is a little slow, but the final act is great.

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It was an interesting movie that kind of all came together at the end. Definitely had some unsettling parts.

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It's an entertaining 3 Chapters movie that all connect in the end with a pretty cool and unexpected plot twist. Can't give more than 6, there are some parts that are kinda boring/annoying. It's slow paced, but isn't really a bad thing in this movie.
Overall it's nice to see once, but not something I would remember to recommend to someone.

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Genuinely didn’t like anything about this movie. Extremely slow paced, only a half of the ending was actually semi surprising, ending felt like a cop out and overall just felt like they tried to cram ‘shocking’ things into it. Wanted to enjoy it more based on the reviews but overall just couldn’t

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Boring, boring, boring and boring.

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Three pretty solid acts despite become disparate like different movies all together. Some weak performances but is ok because the twists keep it entertaining. Unfortunately the final act brings it down as it is too unfocused. It's like the director couldn't decide for the ending so he went for all of them. Well, except for the foreshadowing, that is very present and neat, until it becomes a bit too much. Despite the ending it's a nice watch with some memorable details that feels very true. Could have been an eight, better than a six, so a seven with remarks.

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A dark and disturbing look at a family, the horrors they have endured, and the effects their past traumas (and sins) had on their lives. The ending is frustratingly complex but with some good acting and a chilling atmosphere of dread, the film is still worth seeing, despite its open-ended conclusion.

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A sick, twisted and unsettling horror drama about familial corruption. There's so much going on in this film. I honestly didn't expect to get this much enjoyment, but man this was very entertaining. It's filled with awesome performances and many surprising twists and turns. The strongest aspect of this film is that it dives deep into each family members for an incredibly twisted horror tale that keeps you guessing, with the physical circumstances of the family that are hypnotically suffocating. It viciously grabs you by the throat and drags you into a much more twisted story that ends in a way that I can only describe as incredible. Go see it.

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