Shouts about...

Twixt 2011

francis and val interesting pairing. val was good but movie so-so. i really liked the dream concept.

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The atmosphere is great but Val Kilmer is completely out of his element for most of the time. It could've been better. Good movie though.

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Val Kilmer when he could still ALMOST pull of a mature "Iceman", paired with an always on the edge of crazy town Bruce Dern and a fetching but creepy Elle Fanning. Kudos to Ben Chaplin for anchoring the story as Edgar Allen Poe's ghost and chief explainer as to WTF is going on. Throw in a creepy, possible pedophilic Pastor, pastoring creepy ghost kids, and a wannabe or maybe real Vampire named Flamingo with his band of vamp chicks, as well as an older Father Guido Sarducci, and you have the recipe for an OK popcorn flick if you don't have anything to watch some afternoon or evening.

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This was better than expected. The stylish atmosphere was really good and the dream sequences felt new and fresh.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Elle Fanning es una hermosa y tierna chupasangre; ella es lo único que vale la pena de la película.

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Val Kilmer is funny these days, you should check him out.

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