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Trumbo 2015

A great biopic film with great undercard actors that should be hired more in movies.

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An insider's perspective of the red scare, following the private trials and public persecutions of Oscar-winning screenwriter (and proud communist) Dalton Trumbo. It's one-sided, as you might expect, but serves as an intriguing glimpse into the might of effective media manipulation and its powerful ability to turn the tide of popular perception.

Bryan Cranston plays the lead, and though he doesn't look all that much like the man behind the thick glasses and dense moustache, his intense, passionate self-defense and gravel-voiced delivery are impressive and convincing all the same. Louis CK, in an important supporting role, is less successful: he touches the necessary emotional points, but doesn't threaten to disappear into the part. He's just... Louis CK in a different set of clothes.

One part historical essay and one part chilling cautionary tale, its message is particularly pertinent now, amid the nonstop spin and opinionated delivery of the modern-day news cycle. In time, we all recognized the Hollywood blacklist for the thin, short-sighted witch hunt it really was, but not before countless lives had been sacrificed in the name of some mythical greater good. What will we look back upon with similar regret tomorrow?

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Worth watching, with some reservations

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The movie was a little bit too long but the story itself was very good. I enjoyed every minute of it. It might not have been the most accurate depiction of history (I'm always careful with Hollywood movies) but it felt real and you could actually feel the struggle Bryan was going through as Dalton (as well as the other actors being falsely banned).

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El coraje es casi tan contagioso como las lágrimas.

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A movie about Dalton Trumbo, a scriptwriter who went to jail because of his (socialist) convictions: technically by refusing to answer Congress's investigation into communist spies in Hollywood. The life stories of idealists sure make for great film.

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Cranston gives an incredibly lifelike performance as Trumbo, supported by an excellent cast, including Helen Mirren, Diane Lane and John Goodman. Apparently there are some minor errors in the telling of the story but it is still a powerful statement on the witch hunt of the House of UnAmerican Activities of communists and their alleged Russian sympathies.

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And if you really think of it, has society changed for the better since then ? People are still being outcast for having different oppinions and this movie should be a reminder of that.

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They sure did smoke a lot back then!!! Excellent movie.

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Great movie. Of course, conservatives were critical of the movie. Some will never learn.
Anyway, Edward G Robinson never named names during his 4 times being interviewed.

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Stellar cinematography and music, great performances all around - it could do with a little trimming and has some issues in the hair and make-up department. In particular the wig (old) Trumbo was wearing towards the end - you can see both the wig's mesh and his real hairline under it if you look closely, and damn, was that distracting in close-ups.

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It is a solid film. I liked Bryan Cranston´s performance

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a testament from old hollywood that movies are the most powerful influence ever created

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The greatest writer of fucking hollywood!

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Shout by Deleted

Interesting piece of history and great acting, by no means a bad movie but fell flat in places.

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Excelent movie! A terrific performance of Bryan Cranston.

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