:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - I love the voice of Optimus Prime!

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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So Good
Albeit rather long
that being said,
Good story with some
Twist and Turns I never
saw coming.
the vfx we're actually
Stunning and amazing
at the best of times,
Sound Wave Holy-Shit.
same problem as always
The Godziller Syndrome,
I want to see long drawn
out fight sequences with
giant Robots not
boring humans.
(humour is getting a little
Dry now, not as funny as
Previous Installments,
doesn't stop them though
from always chasing that

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Even though "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" takes a small step in the right direction, the third film in the series is still not good. At least the beginning on Cybertron and on the Moon and the finale in Chicago are halfway entertaining. Otherwise, the same criticisms that plagued the predecessors apply. The plot is thin and stupid, the female characters are poorly written, and the humor is intolerable. Furthermore, the action is once again badly directed.

As the lead, Shia LaBeouf is nothing but exhausting anymore. Meanwhile, new to the cast is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who replaces Megan Fox as the female lead. And there's certainly a reason why Fox still works as an actress these days, at least in B-productions, and Huntington-Whiteley doesn't. Verdict: Better than the second film, but just barely.

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon is a decent addition to the franchise. The movie features good visuals, impressive action scenes, and a solid performance from the cast. However, while the movie manages to hold your attention, it's the last film in the series that can do so without making you roll your eyes. Overall, if you're a fan of the Transformers series, you'll find Dark of the Moon to be a decent movie that delivers on action and special effects.

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Fell asleep 15 minutes in back in 2011 due to school tiring me out, like I did with Captain America during that submarine scene, but now I am here to finish the fight! Shia screaming at the top of his lungs at guards is what everyone should see at least once. Probably the best acting he's done in a Transformers movie. Also, amazing Star Trek reference with the man himself saying it, the late great Leonard Nemoy! Definitely for fans of action and fun, not for the prestige lovers!

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The third film in the Transformers franchise Dark of the Moon was a huge improvement over Revenge of the Fallen and was just even a little better than the original. Dark of the Moon got just a little more dark than its predecessors cutting out some of its subpar comedy/silliness and making the plot of the film more interesting than the others. While I'm not a fan of the new female lead actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley I was short of glad that I didn't have to see Megan Fox again, though they should of went with a different actress other than Huntington-Whiteley. Bay really stepped it up with the action in this film.

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon is where things start to go slightly sideways for this franchise. Don't get me wrong. I still like this one just fine, but it got to be a bit too long, with a few very long sequences that made the pacing a little off. It worked when I saw it in the cinema because you are right in the middle of the action. On a smaller screen, it gets a bit less impactful.

Anyway, I do like Dark of the Moon, and I certainly don't apologize for liking Michael Bay movies. For some reason, it's almost become a deadly sin for film buffs to like these kinds of movies, and it's a bit annoying to say the least. Especially since the people most vocal about this, is the same crowd that praises Disney's so-called Star Wars movies...

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"Decepticon punk!"

This is my favorite one of the bunch. It is almost a tie with the first one. As usual, it is silly and a little confusing and maybe a little too much action, but I will give credit to the artists that made Shockwave look really really cool. It should've just ended with this one.

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I felt like my brain was actively rejecting remembering this while I was watching it. The only other movie I remember that happening during was X-Men: Apocalypse. And they did a bad job replacing Megan Fox.

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So much cheese and ridiculous bad writing.

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I gave it 5 stars only because Shia is awesome

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got head while on _______ watching this movie. Pièce de ré·sis·tance!

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I don't see anything wrong with the film.. Pacing was amazing Action was amazing.. Loved the story

First Transformers is The best one of course but this one a great second I gave it a 9/10

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This franchise just gets worse and worse. If you are a fan of the toys, you may like this (they added gremlin-like bots, and we all know about "gremlins in the machine"). If you are impressed by CGI creations knocking each other to bits, you may like this. But, if your interested in a story behind the action, or characters who have depth and aren't just created for cheap laughs, or human heros that manage to show maturity rather than hysterical tantrums, then you, like I, will find this a waste of time. I give this film a 4 (poor) out of 10. [SciFi Action Adventure]

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¿Qué se puede decir de Transformers? No es una obra maestra ni mucho menos, pero está bien hecha, y los "cacharros" mooooooolan.

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I started to loose all interest in the series by the third movie. First off Bumblebee. Yes the car radio thing was a nice gimmick the first time round, but he got his voice back...WHY is he still doing this? (I gather it's not a spoiler but better play it safe...)

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2017-06-20T01:08:48Z— updated 2023-06-07T00:35:40Z

Sam Witwicky was his most annoying in this one. "I saved the world 2 times! I deserve respect!." Yeah he didn't have any help or anything....
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley some how manages to be more out of Sam’s league than Megan Fox. Fox at least had chemistry with Shia Lebouf though.
The movie is too damn long though.Michael Bay doesn’t understand that the movie being longer each time didn’t add to the quality. Just because a movie is an epic doesn’t mean it is necessarily good. Which he never learned from Pearl Harbor.
It is at least better than the 4th and 5th movie.

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this movie is totally full of cliches, everything is predictable and you exactly know what will happen next!!!
also its the 3rd transformers movie and its the 2nd transformers movie which has insulted Iran and Iranian people. first of all; the flag of iran is green-white-red. in this movie red is the top color but green is the top color! Iran's flag in this movie is upside down which is insulting. and Iran has nuclear power plant to make electricity, in this movie they say it's for making nuclear bombs and autobots come and destroy it!!! it calls it "illegal" while those are completely legal and UN is controling and supervising it

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This is not art cinema, this is an action movie. And in its category is extraordinay in all aspects. So, for those who complain about cliches, if you want to think about crab's mortality, take a plane to France or rent a german movie.

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Amazing visual spectacle but tedious and full of clichés.

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i love Bay but at least this one was better then the 2nd one, but ever since the first one its been going down hill

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Would someone save Transformers from Michael Bay already ? I liked the first film but each one needed a different director bringing different ideas to the table. Bay has pretty much made the same film 4 times.
Except each one is longer than the previous one with more explosions.

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Solid action flick, although I liked the last two Transformers flicks better than this one: a little less skin and a little more story would have been great. And the propaganda for the US army is absolutely unnecessary and really annoying!

Solid and entertaining nonetheless!

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Absolute train wreck of a movie and it isn't even the oh-so-slammed second one?!

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Super slow and waste of my time. Worst of the three.

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For me, this was the worst of the three. I can't put my finger on it but it didn't feel right. Still decent entertainment.

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I just wonder why they engaged such a babe, she was nowhere near to be believable as a character

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Reference audio and video!

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Shout by Deleted

I have this on DVD and on my I Pad and I like it

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Ugh. Don't want to waste any more time on this...

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They should have used the GoBots for this, rather than ruining the Transformers. The robots didnt really have a part in the movie anyway, except for special effects and props.

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It was ok. amazing effects. I had a major problem with the female lead. She looked WAY too pristine and like a model. She looked absolutely ridiculous. Hot but ridiculous. The transformers looked more believable. 6.5/10

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lol i've only seen the first one so far... lol :)

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Standard fare for Bay and will be regarded as something I once saw.

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Shout by Deleted

Se alguém, um dia, vier me dizer que gostou desse filme... vai levar um tapão na cara pra aprender a ser gente!

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Shout by Deleted

I used to work along the river in downtown Chicago. All of my old co-workers must be floating face down in the river!

In reality, people in Chicago would've still been going to work during that mess.

They should've had the characters stop in the middle of the action and get a bite at the Billy Goat - heck, they were right there... and I don't remember seeing one gruff Chicago cop - I KNOW they wouldn't a stood for that garbage - Lincoln Park Pirates woulda had that junk towed in seconds flat.

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kids movie with decent special effects. story is embarrasingly bad tho. 3/10

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Simple story, but with some fricking amazing action. Score: 7/10.

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Bay certainly knows how to crank the action to 11. The Decepticon invasion of Chicago is truly spectacular. Now if only Bay used his powers for good and direct a sic-fi movie with a Euro writer we could just have have something timeless. Heck maybe even a new Terminator?

Other than that, switch off for a while and go with the flow. What big kid can resist the charms of giant robots battling to the symphony of endless explosions and crumbling skyscrapers.

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Special effects porn and nothing more. If you want a great Transformers story, you're much better off with the fantastic Transformers Prime animated series.

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Agreed. Visually speaking its spectacular, but it seems Michael Bay is more interested in that than making a movie with a good story attached to it. But i guess we already knew that....

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Shout by Deleted

Great visuals and effects but that is about it. Still a good watch though in 1080p

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It's more transformers. And I have to say this is the first movie where I didn't hate Shia. He's usually such an annoyingly bad actor. But it was ok this time. If you want action in a movie ... see this one :)

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