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Tombstone 1993

One of the best westerns every made. Perfectly cast and extremely well acted all around. Worth the watch if only for Val Kilmer as Doc.

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Man, I love this movie, such a great western/adventure. Man oh man the cast! A bit grittier nature would have perfected this, but it's still a great time. If the rumors are true, it'd fascinating to get that "directors" cut...

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Good movie.

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"I Have Two Guns, One For Each Of You."
Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday steals the show. This is one of my favorite Westerns. Star studded cast, worth watching every few years.

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This movie is almost perfect but the thing that to me is off putting is the sub plot with Dana Delany and her precarious acting don't see any reason to add that to the movie, subtract that and the movie carries perfectly. An excellent cast with top performances, we won't see movies like this anymore, hell they won't even try to make movies like this now.

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I don't care for Westerns but I cared for this one.

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I know this movie is very popular but as someone that didn't grow up watching it I don't see what all the fuss is about. There are some great scenes and lines and beautiful shots but as a 2 hours movie? The story isn't just there.

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Beautiful cinematography. Some iconic scenes, gunfights, stunts, and one-liners.
It seemed that they wanted to have nuanced characters, but most of their storylines were handled sloppily or were underdeveloped by today's standards.
The 3rd act was all over the place, with excitement constantly ramping up & down, like it couldn't decide when to end.

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Good version of the OK Corral duel and the life of Wyatt Earp.

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Only half way in but already see that it's gonna be at least an 8.

Wonderful acting, great casting, scenery looks authentic... All rounded superb.

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The director of some pretty bad movies some made a pretty great Western. I guess due to the directors resume, a bad movie was expected. So Tombstone I believe at first wasn’t released for critics.

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Rewatched this in 2023. It really was/is a really good movie. I was surprised to see so many known actors in this who back then may have not been well known at all.
And yes, I've seen in a lot of reviews that Kilmer kinda stole the show, and indeed he did.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

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Not typically a huge fan of westerns, but this is certainly great for what it is. I still easily prefer Young Guns (as a comparison), but this trumps just about everything else. The cast is great. The cinematography is great. If you like westerns or cinema, check this out.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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A lengthy movie at just over 2 hours, but oh so worth watching…especially if you can break it into two 1-hour segments (easy to do, as there's a good "pause" moment at almost the halfway mark). The cast was incredible, although - as a Sam Elliott fan - I was wishing he'd been more of a central figure. On both sides of the film, though - protagonists and antagonists alike - the characters were brought to life beautifully. If you're a reader of western history, you can understand how much of this was exaggerated for the sake of a movie, but in spite of all that it was still a great film. And even though Kurt Russell got top billing as "Wyatt Earp", his character was matched - if not eclipsed - by Val Kilmer's portrayal of "Doc Holladay". Definitely one of the better western movies ever made, IMO, and certainly worth watching more than once.

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I don't know why they acted like there's some sort of law and order where in fact it was nothing short of a jungle. "You killed the man" was not a phrase anyone cared about, yet for some reason, Marshals acted like there was a law to be upheld.

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One of my favorite movies ever made

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Great movie. If you like westerns and haven't watched this yet, check it out you won't regret it.

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This is seriously one of my favorite westerns ever created. Its actually the one that got me into westerns in general! I watch it every few years or so just to go back in time and hang out with the Earp brothers and Doc. The film itself could have used more grit to it, but for the time when it came out movies were still pretty tame really.

Great cinematic experience people, of you’ve never seen it; see it!

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Good version of the O.K duel Corral and the life of Wyatt Earp.

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