Shouts about...

The Wailing 2016

By the time I got to the point where Jong-Goo, the main character, beats the Japanese stranger's dog to death , I was beyond weary of this movie. It is an overly long movie where the separate scenes are dragged out to the point where they become nothing. Terrible things are going on in this town and this incompetent police officer is the lens through which we observe these events. He is a terrible lens. His entire motivations are fear and racism, a powerful combination that would work well in a better film, but not here. I felt nothing for any of the characters. I was not interested in their fate. It is a movie full of nothing that ends at a predictable, inevitable point. It felt like an incredible waste of time.

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its a horror ,fantasy,drama. you will get it real horror scenes.but sometimes too much drama what i dont like but horror scenes everytime wakeup some feelings in me. japanese's do that with feeling. thats why i like anime and japan.

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This is the first one I rent on FandangoNow, and watched it with a friend tonight. Interesting characters and a plot that'll keep you guessing and trying to connect the dots, splits you off into multiple directions towards the final act, then pulls you right back on the original track. It's a thriller with some horror elements where some parts reminded me of I Saw The Devil (2010) and the Fatal Frame horror game series which I've been playing throughout the month of October. There's also some very nice photography of the horizon planted in there as well. Just be careful not to fall for the trap.

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watched again for telugu dub

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The Korean Heraditary two years earlier.

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I’m very sensitive to horror so that was an extremely stressful watch. Unlike other horrors there aren’t clearly defined segments where it’s scary and where it isn’t (also not that much jumpscares either) but it constantly has a very tense atmosphere and it kind of freaked me out. The narrative is quite complex but also vague at the same time which allows a lot of interpretations, and I think in this case I really like it (I suggest reading some of the comments the director made on the movie after watching, because it kind of blew my mind). The ending is really good and only becomes better once you think more about it. I was also extremely impressed by the cinematography and the acting. This might be my first real exposure to Korean movies but I am impressed. Masterclass of misdirection.

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This is definitely a movie that you shouldn't overlook. Even at almost 2.5 hours, the slower parts of the movie are still engaging that it doesn't seem that long. Overall, highly recommend.

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If Dracula ended with a Rashomon Effect

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Cryptic and full of religious mythology. Long movie but never boring. Not for everyone though.

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I enjoyed this one quite a bit. It did a great job of unfolding the mystery as the plot moved along. I’m not a big fan of extra long runtimes so that was the only big downside for me.

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It started out fine with an intriguing mystery, some great visuals and good acting. Love the rainy weather, the illness is a cool idea and the atmosphere is palpable. Completely lost interest after around 45 minutes, every scene feels like it was stretched out to it's maximum milked out capacity and it's all for nothing special really, the director just doesn't know how to cut down his movie. After what felt like 10h of slow-burn the movie becomes confusing and died out in a forgettable manner. The Wailing is the ultimate attention span test, mine isn't to that level yet and I hope it never does or it'll mean I became a zombie.

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A very intense and thought-provoking horror movie that purposely leaves the ending ambiguous and up to interpretation. Obviously, there are parallels between The Bible and this movie, and while I feel like some parts were too ambiguous to the point where I didn't really understand what everything meant, I believe people who know more about The Bible and look for tiny details will understand and appreciate this story. But I still thoroughly enjoyed watching this, and it kept me thinking the entire time.

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"He’s just fishing. Not even he knows what he’ll catch. He just threw out the bait, and your daughter took it. That’s all it was."

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Shout by 020202

the ending sequence where it cuts from the woman and the japanese man leaves you constantly wondering who's Actually telling the truth,
such a suspenseful and disturbing movie

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Like chasing a demon astride a night mare, it's not always easy to follow but it is one hell of a ride.

This Korean Exorcist never slows down, despite it's 2.5 hour running time. Not only is it well shot, it has an addictive story line, some intense set pieces (the battle of the Shamen!) and a surprisingly strong character arc. Like sex in the shadows, it's not always clear but it is always fun.

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Too much praise for a film that didn't make much sense at all. Could have been a decent horror movie, but it turned out to be a long weird thriller instead.

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overrated movie. Not that good at all.

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A unique film, with incredible cinematography, great performances and an engaging plot, even though it felt dragged out.

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Really slow and creepy. Especially some parts, in the beginning, could have been cut down. But keeps you guessing till the end what's really happening, and even at the end, who really knows what really happened. It does not really commit to one explanation

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This is a good looking movie. It features some beautiful scenery but horrific images. If you can keep track of what's going on, congratulations. The plot is interesting at first, but devolves into a mess of who's good, who's bad, why is this terrible thing happening, etc.

This is described as a Horror movie and it's definitely horrific. There's a lot of blood, gore and even some vomit thrown in for good measure. The child actor was really talented but the acts committed by her character were truly shocking. Actually, unsettling and disturbing are better descriptions. But it's not scary and between the torture the child suffers and the total defeat of any and everything good, it's a movie that most people would never make it through. At two and a half hours, it often becomes a blood-soaked slog. This is another example of a movie that makes me question my judgement making entertainment choices.

"The Wailing" is not a stupid movie, it just feels wrong. It was so dark and hopeless. It's a struggle to find anything redeeming about it, other than the obvious skill in filming it.

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One of the most horrifying and heartbreaking horror movies I've ever seen.

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Caution: not a thriller! It may be a spoiler but it was marketed as such so it's only fair that people are warned

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long but worth it. didn't predict the ending.

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I wasn't even interested after 45 mins, fast forwarder to the end!:cry:

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A really good horror movie but it could be great for sure.Still worths a watch and it's well made and confusing.7.2/10

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This movie has great cinematography/editing, phenomenal acting, a good story and the right amount of sinister moments. However, this movie is so unnecessarily complicated by the end. There were easier and more satisfying paths imo but I still liked it.

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I have no idea why this movie is highly praised on RT, it's really not that good at all, a nice thriller, but nowhere near perfect. It left so many questions unanswered.

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Very long and confusing film. Many parallel stories. It is not worth losing 2h30m watching this.
I don't understand how this film has such a positive rating on rotten tomatoes.

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It is so worth it. Haven’t seen such a good film quite a while

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Longer that it needed to be, but more importantly it wasn't compelling at all. I found myself fast-forwarding the entire movie, that is how engaging it was. I have no idea how a movie like this can have a 75% approval, must be national pride... which brings you to the logical conclusion that even though a lot of good movies are made in Korea, you shouldn't pay attention to that fact and decide for yourself or rely in well constructed critic reviews (not that mines is anything to go by).

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A slow burn of a horror film, this shares many of the characteristic of Hereditary (2018) not least from being a damn fine film. Like the latter, the film takes its time to build up a palpable sense of dread, but also explore the normality and mundanity of its characters and location, mining a lot of humour and goodwill from its central flawed character who only wishes to protect his family. It’s also expertly crafted with beautiful cinematography and a haunting soundtrack. But the tension lies in the film keeping its audience firmly in the same mindset of its hero, completely unsure throughout of where the film is going and what the truth is, right up until a final moments. Great stuff!

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I don't know, I wasn't blown away by it as I was apparently supposed to be. I think a lot of that had to do with the bloated runtime. Still though, there's some great atmosphere, and some of the character development at the beginning went a long way to building a believable world, which helped with how outlandish things get.

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This movie did lose steam towards the end and could use some cuts...but I still thought it was extremely effective and I enjoyed it a lot. My problem was I was told there was an absolute insane ending but I thought it seemed like the next logical step for the story.

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Maybe if this movie was 45 minutes shorter it would have been good. It was way too long, with some pointless stories and scenes. I do not understand why so many critics loved it. Not worth the 2.5hrs.

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This movie started out interesting but it seemed to break down with multiple plots that didn't really make sense after awhile. It was hard to take the main plot seriously enough to suspend disbelief. I stuck it out, but came away disappointed.

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