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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2010

Punching Jake once was not enough, what a disgusting character.

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A great recovery from the 2nd film as the 3rd really ramps up the tension and violence and the build up to the premise of this series as it dives deep into the relationship Bella has with Edward and Jacob and how to the types have to fight to get along to protect her as a new evil is coming. Unlike the first 2 films, the characters are here and developed but now we see how they are all going to fit in this mysterious world that revolves around Bella. Of course the scenery and plot development is spot on again.

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Third movie in the series, worst one yet. I didn't like it when I saw it before and hoped it might be a smidge better this time around. Unfortunately, it is not.

Rating: 1.5/5 - 60% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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It's getting better again. I don't really like the second movie as it's too depressing but this is fine. The story isn't really progressing but at least we're along for a nice ride. The Jacob vs. Edward situation is (slowly) getting resolved, Bella said yes, the plan for the marriage and transformation is basically set, and we got some nice action at the end that resolved the Victoria issue.

I'm mostly happy that the Cullen's and Quileute's are finally getting along quite well. And even Edward and Jacob got to talk a bit and hate each other less.

RIP little girl though - that hurt :o But the Cullen's tried well to save her.

Now, I'm just waiting for Edward to finally turn Bella into a vampire! :D

PS: I really liked the scene where Alice trained fighting against Jasper! Her fast and evasive moves are cool :)

PPS: And it was nice to learn about the (terrible) backstories of Rosalie and Jasper.

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In my opinion the best movie of the saga.

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The third installment of The Twilight Saga, Eclipse, finally delivers on the promise and potential that has been developing over the last two films. Up until now the primary focus of the series has been on the romance of Edward and Bella, but with that issue reaching a resolution the focus shifts toward an action/adventure tale. The worlds of vampires and werewolves finally collide in spectacular, brutal fights when a vampire army marches on Forks intent on killing Bella and the Cullens. David Slate’s directing is especially evocative and dramatic, and the pacing does an impressive job of moving between the melodrama and the action; creating a suspenseful lead-up toward the final battle. Additionally, the storytelling emphasizes character based drama, creating personal stakes for the action that ensues. Eclipse has once again placed the series on firm ground, building on and enriching this epic story of vampires and werewolves.

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Boring, horrible writing, bad acting, awful romance and laughable scenes. That's Twilight in a nut shell.

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They really are milking this love triangle thing and adding lame drama with that fight scene.

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I cant watch this at all.. This firestick is terrible

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Can't imagine how I like this as kid.

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Okay, I'm mostly just angry about the Robert Frost misquote. Also, that is the weirdest engagement ring I've ever seen. And I get that Edward's supposed to be all sinister and cold, but there's a difference between 'broodingly intense' and just 'mostly indifferent.' That was kind of funny in the first one but by now it's just... weird. Then again, Bella may be right when she says she belongs in his world - she's definitely got the whole apathy thing down already.

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This is the one I enjoyed the most because we learn more about the past of Jasper and Rosalie. I like the Cullens and I thought it was a shame that we didn't know a lot about them. To me, they are more interesting and likable than the main characters and their dull love triangle, therefore I appreciated this focus on them. Victoria's death is too quick, I don't like Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria and I think Rachelle Lefevre had something special and once more the movie is slow.

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leah clearwater turns ary into a fucking furry

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The paranormal love triangle is in full swing now. A cash register goes cha-ching for every scene where Jacob is contractually obliged to be shirtless. Every movie Edward becomes more controlling of Bella, which is frustrating. Victoria is played by a different actress, who is less likeable, despite Bryce Dallas Howards' acting prowress. Bella's makeup is better in this movie, she looks less dead though.

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my my my love this movie

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Shout by Deleted

SRSLY, Look ate her face in the cover os this page

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"it all begins ... with a choice". exactly. i choose not to watch this crap ;)

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for a moment (2h) I thought I was watching "the young and the restless". über kitsch.

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I can't imagine I wasted two hours to see this..., the only good part was that I was alone so I din't had to bother others with my comments :D

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