The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning serves as a prequel to the 2003 remake, and therein lies the problem. Before shipping out to Viet Nam two brothers and their girlfriends go on a road trip and end up being preyed upon by a family that has come upon hard times and has resorted to cannibalism in order to survive. With the ending being a forgone conclusion, there’s no real suspense or mystery. Still, the cast features some impressive actors, including Jordana Brewster, Matt Bomer, and R. Lee Ermey, and they deliver fairly strong performances. Additionally, some of the action scenes are pretty intense. But the overemphasis on gore and the futility of the characters’ struggle hurts the film. While some of the backstory is interesting, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning delivers the same formulaic tripe that the previous films dished out.

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It's just as good as the 2003 remake, which was also surprisingly good. Hell, I think that I actually prefer this one over the predecessor as it does everything a prequel should do and does so many things right. My only issue with this and the 2003 remake is that they have a few stupid fake-out jump scares that just wind me up rather than scare me. Other than that, I really dig the relentless bleakness and violence. R. Lee Ermey once again holds this film together effortlessly. Matt Bomer is hot as usual. There's a ton of legitimate homages to the original and most importantly, Leatherface is given the treatment he deserves.

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maybe it's because i had a rough day to begin with but i swear i could feel the grime in this movie in my fucking mouth GOD

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Leatherface, oh Leatherface. You are still one of my favorite horror icons. You really are up there with Jason and Freddy in my book! You might even be the goriest Horror icon! And you are not even alone! You have one sick family dude!

Anyway, it might be called the beginning but we only see Leatherface being born, how he ended up in the Hewitt family and how he got his Chainsaw. And that is not all like during the whole span of the movie, but in just 10 minutes. After that it turns into your regular Texas Chainsaw film. But that is not bad at all! It is very entertaining. Especially seeing R. Lee Ermey as Charlie Hewitt Jr.! He steals every scene he's in. He always makes films better!

We also see Leatherface taking his first face! Such a bloody mess! And well, this whole film is a bloody, dirty mess and if you like those dirty films, you'll enjoy one. It's not a masterpiece, or a great film by any means, but it is darn entertaining!

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Unrelenting and brutal, just like Leatherface himself.

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Was not good as the first one bc u knew what happen like cut off his feet.....
But this was more brutal

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It's okay.. But then again I not one for this kind of movie.

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R. Lee Ermey was good. The rest was bad. At least we finally have a win for Leatherface.

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Otra saga de terror clásica inprescindible donde se pasa mal y no es por los sustos que realmente carece de ellos sino por lo real que es y gore y desagradable en muchos momentos y si esta basado en un hecho real y eso produce escalofrios.

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