Shouts about...

The Promise 2016

The film has garnered a lot of negativity, but I think it is unwarranted. The film doesn't hinge on the love triangle, as others have suggested. Rather, they provide human context as we see the horrors of the Armenian Genocide through their eyes. The movie flopped and lost money, but the film still holds value by bringing a piece of history that is rarely documented to the screen.

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The main message is the film is, "Yes the Armenian genocide was serious, but not as serious as this melodramatic love triangle!" WTF?!

To use the attempted extinction of a race of people as a backdrop for a romance is criminal. The subject merited a 3-hour, big budget epic film rather than whatever this was.

P.S. If you do see this film (and you have no one to blame but yourselves), wait around for the credits to listen to #ChrisCornell singing the film's theme song, 'The Promise'.

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Set in 1915 (Armenian genocide by Turks)

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They should have gotten more out of this.

Yes, you need a personal story within the histrocal context for people to take interest. After all it is not a documentary. But the love triangle takes to much center stage.

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Maybe there's something wrong with me but I considered this film to be outstanding, informative and very touching. It certainly contextualised the history a lot for me.

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