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The Nest 2020

Everything was set up for this to be a great movie. You had two terrific actors at the top of their game. You had a dark and sterile English manor as the backdrop. And unhappiness - lots of unhappiness. The result? A decent movie but nothing more. I wanted to like this so much more than I did but it never reached anything beyond "interesting". I really didn't care that much about the characters or their unhappiness. I've seen better movies about broken people and broken families. I thought that last scene was very good and seemed true to the spirit of the film.

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Turns out you can only lie about being rich for so long.

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If it ain't broke, don't fix it, RORY.

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I was distracted by all the horse riding.

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An excellent cast elevate this familiar but well made tale.

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"Well, this was all a bit grim" said the horse.

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Beautifully uncomfortable, Carrie Coon is hilarious and Jude Law is very good at playing a total c:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:t. Great ending too.

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I was glued to the screen, but only because I didn't notice that I fell asleep after 15 minutes. I woke up refreshed when it was over. I'm thinking of replacing my sleeping pills with this movie. It's at least as effective in double blind placebo controlled studies! Well done!

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What was the point? I liked the acting but the plot was meh!

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The Nest is an incredibly unsettling film about the downfall of a family and them slowly unraveling into pure dysfunction
Delicious, crisp visuals and a couple of sizzling lead performances from Coon and Law
Kinda felt like they couldn’t come up with an ending though...just kinda stops.

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The movie’s finale is understated, inconclusive … and hopeful

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