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The Man from Earth 2007

Movies like this are the reason I watch movies. The film doesn't promise you anything, and the plot sounds kind of silly. It even starts out a little weak, but it draws you in and doesn't let go, and by the end you don't even care that you just watched a movie that all took place in a small room. Amazing film.

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Yeah, this is science fiction at his best. The fact that the entire movie plays inside a living room that there are no special effects and that all they do is talk does not make this a bad movie. With the right cast and script it could be good and in this movie they played it out to perfection. The director made the right choice by doing it this way. any other way would have failed miserably. The idea that one man could live thousands of years wandering around the world meeting historical people and being someone that made a huge impact on the world himself is inspiring.

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This is one of the best stories I have ever heard, hands down. I loved it the way it is, and after the 4th or 5th time watching it I start to imagine how epic a remake with flashbacks would be. This is definitely a world I want to see come to life.

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So simple premise executed so brilliantly.

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Infrequently, I have the desire to see a movie done as a stage play, because my background is in theatre and I can't help it. This story is perfect for the stage!

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Excelent movie, possibly the best written story I've ever witnessed. They never actually show any of the things he says and that makes for a very good psychologic-drama-fasty movie. even though there are almost no special effects one of the best movies out there. Definitely worth a watch. So interesting to watch and listen to his story... truely amazing.

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Amazing story! A lot of big productions could learn from such a simple, yet very good movie. The dialogues could've been better but it's still worthy of high praise.

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This movie was one of the better ones I have seen in a while. It was obviously a low budget, direct to DVD film but the dialog was quite compelling. No special effects and filmed with 2 cameras. Great film.

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The best ever script for a sci-fi (not only) movie. Who cares if the acting is mediocre, if the production is poor and if the whole movie is shooted in a room?! If the script is clever, flawless and scientific correct nothing else matters. An oasis between the script trash.

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A unique story told in such a way that you can re-watch the film over and over again.

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Honestly. Am I supposed to be shocked or jarred into introspection every time an author questions the existence of God, the marital status of Jesus, or the validity of the Christian faith in one of his stories!?!

This movie actually starts out promisingly enough. A professor makes a claim to a group of friends (who happen to be professors themselves) that he is a 14,000 year old caveman. The intimacy of the cabin where they meet and the conversation in such close quarters made for some nice dialogue. But the actors were stiff and the characters that they portrayed were insufferably brilliant educators.

As the main character makes his case about being alive for centuries, he also states that he is actually Jesus. This is presumably because revealing himself as any other biblical or historical figure doesn't carry quite as much pizzazz. Why the story takes this turn is beyond me.

The ending is interesting but doesn't require the main character to be the Son of God, other than to suggest that Jesus was just a regular guy that's really really old.

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This film is reviewed as anything from a cult classic to complete tripe. A $200,000.00 production that has all the feel of a stage play, with three set pieces. Reactions have been from "bored" to "brilliant". It was so wordy that I fell asleep but, then, upon waking, I watched what I had missed (I don't review things I haven't completed). I'm going to take the middle road. It has the feel of a writers' room, spitballing on a movie premise. It pulls from a speculative understanding of both science and religion, and, depending on which you worship, it will eventually offend devotees of either. It gets knocked for poor acting but I disagree. The actors were faithful to their characters and the tone of the piece. It just didn't knock my socks off as good or bad, so I give this film a 5 (meh) out of 10. [Science Fiction]

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It was good. The answers and the emotions were not in alignment. Nothing he said, not even for experts could invoke the emotions displayed.

I liked how they debunked Christianity, and how they described religion is the result of evolution and not divinity.

At the end of the day though, a white christ? Gtfoh.

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Completely original story and extremely clever! I loved this simple film.

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The best ever script for a sci-fi (not only) movie. Who cares if the acting is mediocre, if the production is poor and if the whole movie is shooted in a room?! If the script is clever, flawless and scientific correct nothing else matters. An oasis between the script trash

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Shout by Deleted

Laugh out loud horrible. I like the fact there were no effects and it's all shot in one room, but this is just terrible acting, and a worse story. Each twist is more ludicrous than the last. Just terrible.

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It's an interesting movie for sure, I can't credit it more than that. Not sure I have to say more either.

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Really loved the movie.

The way the movie explores the idea of a man living for 14000 years, experiencing and making impacts on the world and then talks about it in his living room really makes this movie worth a watch.

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People are acting like this movie is something that it’s not. Yeah it was done on a small budget, and they were able to make an entire movie built off of dialogue, but there nothing too special about it. You can polish a turd, but it’s still a piece of shit. The story sounds like it was written by an amateur. Everything in human history this guy just happened to be there and be apart of it. Lol! Also the dialogue between him and his friends was just as weak as the caveman story. Either way this movie was not THAT impressive.

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I enjoyed this, but I definitely laughed way more than I was supposed to - the acting was a little strange.

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Rather good for the time it was made, up until the end.
- 6/10 it's fair speculative fiction.

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The film is a about young professor who claims that he's a 14,000 year old caveman and tells his life history during his farewell party to a group of academic friends/colleagues. The film is confined almost exclusively in a room with people bantering and questioning the protagonists' claim.

I find the history which the film stands upon is a bit shaky, especially in the prehistory part ('transition' from hunter-gathering to agrarian), as it feels like tacking on a pop history evolutionist bent. The focus on grand, familiar historical figures of the west (Buddha, Jesus, Napoleon, etc) also makes the story less convincing as it might seem a bit too Western pop history (e.g., no Southeast Asian, Mediterranean, or Eurasian history at all despite David Lee Smith having the looks of it).

However it's understandable due to scholarship in 2007. Would be a good conversation starter, still. Would make a good talk with family/friends/partner if you have interest in the longue-duree kind of thing. I'd love to see similar story built upon Graeber's The Dawn of Everything. :)

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Shout by Ward

Still a great film. But i just want more at the end. Like, after the jesus bomb is dropped, there isn't much more after that. There needed to be more wisdom and his views on the world and humanity and the progression of history. And i didn't like how most of them kind of believed that he was truthful when he said it was all made up. I would have liked more buildup or better buildup with that guy being his son.

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The most beautiful film I have ever seen.

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Beautiful and unique movie. Amazing what can be done with just a bunch of people, couch, fireplace, and of course, a great story to top it all. No BS special effects and stunts what so ever.

I went into it reading only the description, and loved it. It went by very quickly. Give it at least 15 minutes. If you're still watching, hand yourself the gift of watching it all the way through.

Very Recommend to those who like a good story with lots of imagination, and don't care about fancy CGI.

Great job.

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filmin tek odada geçmesi ve oldukça sürükleyici olması iyi ama beni sonlara doğru baydı nedense ama tavsiye ederim güzel film. oyunculuklar ortalama seneryo güzel

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Intriguing story and decent dialogue. Acting unfortunately average, in some cases not even that. Movie holds your interest however because you like to see where this is going. Deserved better actors. The biology professor especially was almost unbearable. He came across as quirky in Star Trek Enterprise. Now I see he is a one trick pony.

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Shout by Deleted

Good movie, it was great film better that i thought

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It was a good movie. Felt like a personal rant about religion at times. That's the writers choice - it didn't bother me too much. The dialogue flowed very well and it was natural. Good sci-fi? It was delving into history books a lot more as a source than the imagination or science. It's not a particularly clever script but it's never stupid. It's certainly not as deep as some make out. I don't think it's something I could re-watch again and again, but it's definitely worth a watch ever few years.

The movie feels like it was made by people that like to talk about interesting things and appreciate life. You won't like this movie if you don't like these type of conversation or the subject matter.

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Indeed this is a fantastic piece of a movie, with a simple storytelling that captures your and you just cannot realize how 6 people talking could lead to such an amazing film.

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the way he convince the story, he should be the great businessman that very good at dealing.

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This movie is very interesting.
It has no special effects but is better than a lot of movies with special effects.

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Shout by Deleted

Very nicely done One of the Top Spiritual movie that I have watched. Amazing movie even tough rather theatrical then movie still keeps you on the move. Very well script; would I add anything to the movie NOPE. Well Done Shappo...

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Simple, 1 decorated. I liked the story so much, the affects on the others. Christians you have beendeceived

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This movie was something that I saw at the shops and sounded interesting. I liked the premise. Watching it I first thought I would turn it off with the low quality. But the storyline is epic!!!

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