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The Lost City of Z 2017

First half of this movie was incredible boring, second half was great ...

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Oh, how I regret not seeing this on the big screen.
I assumed this would be an action adventure movie like Tomb Raider and how glad I am it's much more than that (and why there's so many negative comments here).
A great story, a score that I want to re-listen and a beautiful filmic cinematography.

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Such a waste of cast, locations and money...

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Don't expect an Indiana Jones-like adventure. This is much more grounded to reality and a character study at heart.
The social commentary on the toxicity of aristocracy, their sense of entitlement and grandiosity was done well.
The only issues of the film were that there was too much plot to go through, which resulted in frequent time skips, while at the same time not spending enough screentime in each phase of Fawcett's life. I think it would've been better suited as a mini-series.

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Unlikely to keep an impression after the closing credits, it nethertheless remains a good film. What I really liked was the casting. Every character was chosen perfectly.

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Read the book instead, it's so much better..

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The Manuscript 512 wasn't found by Nina, it was found by Percy. This feminism sham is outrageous.

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An excellent film that I cannot recommend due to the surprising amount of upper female nudity. I understand accuracy, but it seems quite silly to rate a movie PG-13 when it has multiple instances (with at least one being close-up) where topless women parade around on screen. It should have been rated R.

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A great movie,Charlie Hunnam and Robert Pattinson are amazing actor's...I must say Charlie wife is really annoying,I'm sorry but back in the time it was set in,she would not be questioning about woman's rights,this is stupid PC coming through into movies now...

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A very classy film. The music often reminded me of old Hollywood classics. Based on real life events, the story of Percy Fawcett is told very straight forward in this film and the end leaves you wondering if he ever found the lost city or not. But the movie was really beautifully shot and I thought Sienna Miller's performance was especially brilliant.

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It was okayish but It bored me at times.

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It seemed to me that this guy fathered children, disappeared at every opportunity and that somehow his wife managed to raise this children, alone and make a living. I guess part of his expedition monies must have gone to her, thats what it was.

For children who had never seen their father they were certainly open to embracing him and eventually going off on what certainly seems to be a trip to an early grave. As neither Percival nor Jack were ever seen again it's of course all open to guess work

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I’m not exactly sure how I would’ve felt about this movie if it wasn’t led by Charlie Hunnam, but because of that magnificent man and his consistent solid and beautiful performance (which carried the movie, imho) I have enjoyed every minute of it, and will probably watch it again. My eyes were glued to the screen the entire time and I was absolutely sucked into that world and his obsession with the lost city. This man continues to surprise me. In the best ways possible.

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Not quite the journey I was expecting, this true life drama is sometimes as stuffy as the Amazon jungle it's mostly set in. Still, kudos to director Gray for getting out of the urban jungle that his films are usually made in. This isn't a bad film, just a little disappointing... unless you already know the account of the exploration, in which case you may have more respect for the film's portrayal of the story.

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Shout by FinFan

In 1925, Percy Fawcett ventured into the Amazon in search of a myth. What he discovered became legendary.

Now, if the movie had focused on that it might have been interesting. Instead we race through the years of his life and stopping every ones in a while for 15 minutes or so. Because of that, the whole thing feels stiched together loosely without ever taking time to explore any event further. We just witness it and jump forward a couple of years. This is not what I expected and so despite the fact it is technically a good movie, I was bored and in the end dissapointed (I apologies for not knowing Fawcetts story I expected he would find the city in the movie). And even as a biopic it didn´t connect with me in a way that I now want to know more about the man.
And now that I think about that quote I used at the beginning: what did he discover, really ?

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This movie is a stinker - one of the worst movies I've ever seen and I've seen plenty of bad ones!! 140 minutes of my life I will never get back

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Movie, get your s**t together, even you don't know what you're about. A tale of man vs nature? An outcast trying to restore his status in a society only to learn that society isn't worth it? The White Man befriending the Natives against the preconceived ideals of his world? Or maybe for a few minutes tries to be a warlike film showing us some of the horrors of the Great War?

In any case, more than two hours of my life that I won't get back.

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Very interesting movie. It's pretty well done and manages to keep you invested throughout. The ending leaves a lot to be desired though, and although I understand why they made it like that, it does make the movie seen kinda pointless.

The feminist parts was also very out of place here, and took away some of the realism.

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I knew absolutely nothing about this movie going in. This wasn't a bad movie, just disappointing as I was expecting more adventure discovering a lost civilization. It is more a movie about the life of a man trying to make a name for himself and nothing of the Indiana Jones style adventure I was hoping it would be. Was kind of sad that he had a wife and children with whom he never spent any time. In the end, nothing was accomplished; the Lost City of Z never verified.

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A true-life drama, centering on British explorer Col. Percival Fawcett, who disappeared while searching for a mysterious city in the Amazon in the 1920s.

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A very boring movie and a total waste of time, avoid at all costs. 1/10

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Shout by Deleted

I had been looking forward to watching this movie for a while, sadly I was quite disappointed. I found slow and boring the only up side was the great cinematography. 6/10

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In a world more interested in suits and capes I know that these type of movies have to be made to break up the monotony. But this movie has 0 payoff. 2 hours and 40 minutes of angst. I would like to have my time back. It is probably my fault for not being a historian and therefore not knowing the end of this Tale before the beginning.

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This film was everything I hoped it would be. I took me three hours watching it again at home because I would always come back and re watch the parts I liked most. So good!!! I love it!!

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Team Edward retires in South America

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Very well paced and entertaining movie. There is a lot going on and James Gray never focuses one one thing for too long. I was never bored during the long run time of this movie. Some beautiful shots in the jungle. Charlie Hunnam is great in this, really does a good job showing a man who keeps chasing after his dreams. Robert Patterson was surprisingly good too, I still can't help but think of twilight whenever I see his name. Tom Holland was decent in the part of the movie he was in. Only nitpick with this movie is that it has a little unsatisfactory ending but that is what happened in real life. Nobody knows what happened to Percy.

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A biopic about a man called Percy who accomplished nothing of mention apart from abandoning his wife at every opportunity.

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Robert Pattinson, Sienna Miller and Charlie Hunnam... Not exactly the worst looking cast around!

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