Personal Lists featuring...

The Little Ghost 2013


164 movies watched (171 times) plus 3 shorts that were shown before the movie.

51x OV/Om(e)U (OV = Original Version, Om(e)U= Original mit (englischen) Untertiteln, germ. for Original with (English) Subtitles)
11x 3D
3x Digital IMAX
3x 70mm/35mm Analog Film
1x HFR (HFR = Higher Frame Rate Version)
1x iSense

Specials Screenings:
8x BoC (BoC = Best of Cinema, means older movies are shown once again in cinema)
11x Re-release/Repertory Screening (BoC & KC Excluded)
1x Preview (a special screening some days before the regular nation wide release)
1x KC (KC = Kino Café, germ. for Cinema Cafe)
6x Rolle Vorwärts (german for "Roll foreward", a collection of international short films)
