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The Legend of Tarzan 2016

The movie is very visually stunning. The story telling, however, not so much. It seems to be at a loss of how to give the background information - there are memory recollections, lines about the past, and just plain old scene jumps. They threw all of the background information together with a weak plot; it ended up being a jumbled mess.

I appreciated that the movie was trying to build on the original story, however, I really don't feel as if there was anything original in this adaptation.

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Me Jane...this time rental

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Visually very good, but the story sucked.
The flashbacks were a mess too

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This movie was so bad!, First movie that makes me wanna leave the cinema room in the first 30 mins. It was boring, the scrip is a mess and it sounds more like a movie about the american civil war then the legend of Tarzan. The whole love story of Tarzan and Jane is not there, and his childhood is told by flashbacks mixed with scenes that have nothing to do with the story and are just there to add time to the movie. A lot of people were saying that was visually stunning but that seems not to be the case as well, it is so dark it looks like BvS, there is not colour at all, and the visuals affects are just meh. I do not recommend this movie at all.

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Is this movie a new, fresh, story? No. Is it the same take as every other Tarzan movie? No!

You should accept this movie for what it is: an action movie around well known characters. Visually, it's beautiful. Story? lacking at times. Action? throughout. Acting? Just what it needed to be.

This isn't a movie you see at your local art house, this is a movie you see on the biggest screen you can find, and is enjoyable for the full 109 minutes.

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Animal vs human, who wins? I'll let you deside when you see the film, yes when you see the film, because you should! I'd of love to see more of his past, but other than that this film was a swing in a tree, lots of action, fast paced, great cast, specially SLJ character, funny, and also it was a great plot, and super picture! 6/10

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It was a movie afternoon, complete with popcorn and YoYo (Cineplex's replacement for my favourite TCBY - the jury is still out). I thought this was the best treatment of this story to hit the big screen. The story was compelling and relevant. The period felt authentic, although I know little to nothing of this time in African history. The performances were multi-dimensional and the characters properly heroic and convincingly motivated. I gave it an 8 out of 10, and watched it at Dartmouth Crossing Cineplex.

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Bmonga: It was an animal.
Tarzan: She was my mother.
Bmonga: How was he to know? My son was just a boy. Not like you. Where was you honor?
Tarzan: I had none.

That scene was so chilling and heartbreaking. It takes a great amount of honor to admit you had none. But was it just me or did Tarzan slightly come off as the bad guy in some scenes? Like when he let the crocodiles devour Leon. I mean he certainly deserved it but seeing Tarazn's face there was unsettling. He is complex. Still one one of my top favorite characters in the history of ever. Disappointed there wasn't a musical number, though. Ha! But a good movie nonetheless. Enjoyed it a lot. Wouldn't mind a sequel or even a prequel.

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Not a classic but still one of the better Tarzan films that have been made. I enjoyed it, a nice updating of a legend and a sequel would not be unwelcome.

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Despite bad reviews, the film got credit for at least not being another origin of Tarzan movie. I however might have enjoyed the film more if it was a origin story. Since there's definitely not enough jungle scenes. The live action Jungle Book was a superior jungle boy movie.
I was hoping Tarzan would be as good as the Jungle Book but it sadly wasn't. There's just not enough of a strong story. Tarzan being wanted back to the jungle so the Djimon Hounsou character can get revenge on him. Probably would have made a better plot if this was a sequel.

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That is how you give some life to an old story.

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I came back to watch this one years after it's release. (I wasn't 100% sure I had seen it previously). I can say I'm somewhat surprised by the negative reviews, but it does have an overall Tract rating of 70% at the time of this comment. Which is not too bad. Overall, I think it's a good movie. It's a fresh take on the story. The acting is good, albeit the writing could be better. I concur with that sentiment.

It is my recommendation that you sit back, take in the movie, and ignore the negative comments on here if you haven't seen it yet.

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For a summer movie with an iconic character like Tarzan, you at least think this will be dumb fun right?


The Legend of Tarzan is such a downer of a film that I'm kinda glad I didn't watch it at the cinema. The scenes where Tarzan is fighting other animals comes off very laughable just by the awful CGI and how dead serious it was.

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This movie should've been a sequel. The plot is a mess. It is rushed and boring, and the flashbacks were annoying. I couldn't care less about this Jane and this Tarzan.

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Love the storyline. One of the Best of 2016!

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I liked it!
Loved the Vibe it took with it.

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Shout by Deleted

A Tarzan that can't yell on video, one of the worst set of visual effects and a stupid script... not even a good cast could save this movie, bad, very bad!

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Maybe I had built myself up in anticipation of this film because I did feel disappointed. The first half an hour was hard work, I wanted jungle, I wanted animals . When they got to the jungle the film did improve but I felt the story was weak. I gave it 5/10'.

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A mish mash of bad editing, acting and CGI.

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I grew up with Tarzan in the TV show and comic book so I haven't see any trailer or knew what to expect and i was positively surprised by it. It doesn't say much about his origin so don't expect that but it has a very good plot line and story that you will not get bored at all. Very good summer movie

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The best looking vampire as Tarzan... must be hot ;)

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Im looking forward for seeing this movie! Seems incredible!

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I appreciate the commentary on slavery and colonization but, as the kids might say, this is peak cringe. It tries, for some reason, to be serious and just comes off embarrassing for all involved, especially me.

Great cast and a good idea for a modern Tarzan story but something went horribly awry here.

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Visuals are stunning and the action sequences were good. The lack of chemistry between Margot Robbie and Alexander Skarsgård is a big negative for me. They are two very talented actors. But as the legendary Tarzan & Jane couple, they failed. It's just poor casting. As others have commented here, the script/writing is all over the place.

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The movie looked great but I felt that the take on the story was just out of place. It felt weird to start with Tarzan already in London and having already been civilized. Honestly at the beginning of the film I felt as having missed something. Sure everybody knows the story from the Disney movie but I think it was not a good idea to just jump over his origin story and only show glimpses of it in some flashbacks. Also I though that Tarzan wasn‘t cast that well. Margot Robbie was a treat as Jane Porter though.

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The best one I saw was by Disney. This film however is under-rated. It is a predictable adventure where you know he will rescue Jane. It is however visually stunning and well acted.
Points for not just being another origin story.

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Take the lead character's name and a list of participating actors, and it's basically just a game of connect the dots from there. Tarzan grows up amidst gorillas and swings on vines. Mean people shoot said gorillas, enslave natives and abduct Jane. Christoph Waltz is a posh, narcissistic, delicate-but-lethal villain. Samuel L. Jackson is persistently incredulous as he shouts lines of comic relief. Many strapping, bare-chested men decorate the fringes of the screen. Bellows are howled, trees are climbed, fires are set, vengeance is exacted, crocodiles are fed. Its most interesting scraps - Tarzan's means of communication with animals and his adult life as a reformed London citizen - are either forgotten until it's convenient for the plot or discarded completely.

Watchable but bland, The Legend of Tarzan goes through the required motions but lacks much in the way of spirit or innovation. Fine as background fodder or something to blare in the background, but unworthy of your undivided attention.

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Two-dimensional plot. Lukewarm acting. Intermittent CGI.

Margot Robbie always lights up a screen. Waltz plays his Inglorious Basterds character for the umpteenth time. Skarsgard is wooden as all hell but they've paid for a nutritionist and a trainer so they're stuck with him.

It's not awful. It's just bland and largely uninspiring.


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4 outta 10. One for the movie. One for Alex and Margot. One for Hozier's "Better Love." One for the scenes in the rain :p

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Really a poor plot, totally forgettable. Visuals are ok.

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Shout by Deleted

The Legend of Tarzan isn't really an origin story like I was expecting but I found it to be very enjoyable despite some weak CGI animals and a weak main villain. Two thumbs up to Alexander Skarsgard who makes a very good Tarzan.

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Not what I expected, surprisingly good plot and execution

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Good Movie!! Solid plot. good acting!! Def worth watching at least once. #ShiftvW8

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wasn't as i expected in our time right now and with this amazing movies for like 3years i kinda expected more and you can feel there's something missing, but nonetheless it was very good movie and very enjoyable :).

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A breath of new life and modern computer graphics on one of the nicest stories of out childhood. Really enjoyed this movie.

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wont work and its my fav film #ShiftvW8

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Actually not that bad, fun film

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