Personal Lists featuring...

The Kitchen 2019


Standalone movies I want to watch...


All movies and shorts of DC Comics and his imprints.


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Movies to add to Radarr


It doesn't sell, it just doesn't.

These are verifiable instances where a film/series lost a significant amount of money because of consumer backlash or disinterest, and were subsequently scrapped or cancelled. These failures are only attributed to political circumstances, i.e. agenda-driven, typically leftist propaganda.


Every live-action, animated and series from the DC Comics Universe.


Maybe it’s the impending return of the Jedi, but we here at The A.V. Club believe in balance. Without dark, there can be no light—you know, that sort of thing, except applied to the varying quality of the new films hitting theaters or streaming platforms over a given 12 months. The good news is that the good movies of 2019 were very good indeed; in a few days, we’ll offer our annual ranking of favorites, which ran deep on the cusp of the new decade. The bad news is that the industry, to apparently tip those karmic scales back into alignment, didn’t skimp on bad movies, either. In fact, that’s the whole focus of the list below: a dire rundown of all that really irked us over the year, from lazy studio comedies to pointless remakes of ’90s hits to woeful star vehicles for the stars of Face/Off. We accept these abominations as the price to pay for the triumphs, taking extra consolation in the opportunity to dunk on them. Of course, not every film cited is universally loathed by our contributors. Some may even have their fans, outvoted but acknowledged. That’s balance, too.


1-6: Films
7-10: Series
