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The Kitchen 2019

So it's on the style of Tarantino, so if you don't like that, you won't like this movie. It's also movie based on a Gothic novel. If you don't like the Gothic novel genre, not for you.

Anyone else? A female version of mob movie with a twist of total female empowerment. It's actually got a twist from the mob movies though, because it is from a goth novel about female empowerment. In real life in the 1970's, that twist wouldn't have worked that way.

So basically, if you like mob movies, can get over the expectation of machismo ruling the day, and aren't put off by strong women, you'll love it!!

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It was an ok movie I expected more of it though. More of women rule the world stuff. Don’t get me wrong I’m a woman but I don’t like it when they lay it on this thick. Some good surprises in it though but nothing that special

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I had this movie on my list for some time, and was kinda dragging watching it because I was afraid Melissa McCarthy and Tiffany haddish would end up playing yet another over the top version of themselves, but was actually very surprised in a positive way. is it Oscar worthy? no not really? is it a fun adaptation of the og comics? definitely. people commenting this title seem to forget this is based of a comic and not out of real people so maybe the things that they don't like about the plot ... are the source material.

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I enjoyed watching all the female characters flip the script. That said, I think the story could've been really great if it would've had a more dramatic quality, instead of a dark comedy feel, and the first half lagged a lot.

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If you mix Godfather with Pulp Fiction and add some estrogen you will get a fairy tale about female mobsters... ;)

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A loveless script undermines a story with huge potential, which despite some superb performances never really takes off. It’s disappointingly ordinary and unengaging.

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Agree with many who have already rated. I think it’s an interesting concept but I think they took the easy way out .. making it a mobster chick flick. Okay, not great.

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A better film than I was expecting, considering some of the reviews I had read. The transition from browbeaten wives to mafia king(queen)pins is a little rushed, and there are plotholes, but I still enjoyed it.

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Based on a DC comic, The Kitchen is a gritty ‘70s mob film. When their husbands are sent to prison three housewives decide to go into the protection racket and soon end up in a mob war. Starring Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss, and Domhnall Gleeson, the cast is pretty strong. The script however, is rather formulaic and relies on a lot of standard mob tropes. It also kind of glosses over the sexism of the era, as most of the business owners don’t object or question paying protect money to these women. Still, the sets and costumes are especially well-done and do a good job ay setting an authentic look and feel for the time period. And the soundtrack too, though a bit cliché at times, features an impressive array of ‘70s hits. The Kitchen delivers some action and some thrills, but for the most part it’s a fairly average crime film.

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This movie isn’t as bad as the reviews would lead you to believe. Three mobster wives take over the business while their husbands are imprisoned. The movie has a great premise watching women obtain power. The problem this movie has is that everything is on the surface and doesn’t delve deeper. Still a good watch. I enjoyed it. There performances were fine.

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This movie couldn't make up it's mind what kind of a movie it wanted to be (Gritty Crime Drama, Female Empowerment Vehicle, Action Adventure Ride, Anti-Hero Saga). One one hand it had a high power primary cast with an equally stellar supporting cast, on the other hand it was loosely based on a DC comic series. The acting was passionate and well articulated, yet the writing was muddled, the premise kept shifting and the resolve was unfulfilling. The acting was good but rather drowned out by the movie's lack of focus. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Crime Drama]

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I see flashes of brilliance here and there, but the character development is too hasty, and they use a montage (eyeroll) to set up the plot. Like it's some kind of cheesy heist movie. These women decide to hustle it up themselves and just fall into a successful gig. No struggle, no tension. The Kitchen does not go deep enough to be a successful film. Andrea Berloff tries really hard to imitate Tarantino, but falls flat. Too bad, because several scenes were done very well. No more montage!

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Honestly the movie didn't really give any feel of a resolution, I thought it was bad ass seeing a "Gangster Movie" with all females for once but after a while it's like okay what is the point of this. We need a sequel or an extended cut that ties directly into the event's of this movie. I honestly would have thought it would have been better if Kathy and Ruby ended up becoming queens of their own parts of NYC and then we to war with each other dying at the end. But hey I guess that's text book gangster.

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An Irish mafia film that thinks its twist is that it's by and about women.

It's 2019, there isn't one original idea anywhere in that pitch.

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Haven't been this little annoyed of Melissa McCarthy since Gilmore Girls and almost enjoyed watching this.

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I understand what the film is trying to depict....and i'm all for female empowerment as a father of 3 girls....but make a film about the social injustices in a different setting. - don't go back and try and rewrite history. These women would have had no chance in accomplishing what the film depicts in 70's New York...but then again this film is based on a comic book ..enough said. The film should have been called the "Fairytale of New York"

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I can make a joke just from the title alone, but you already did.

Can't wait for this to sweep the razzie awards.

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America might not take care of kids or give jobs to women when their men in their family go to jail, but that makes for one helluva story. F:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: boring democratic socialist countries

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Thought it might have been worth a watch because of Elizabeth Moss and Melissa McCarthy. Suckered again. It was bad. I mean really bad. No cliche goes unturned here. Script - stoooopid. Acting - Pooooor. How do these things get made? To be fair, if you go in knowing it's bad you may get a bit of fun groaning your way through the ludicrous plot.

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