Billy Mitchell is a grade-A d-bag, but I found Brian Kuh to be even worse.

Billy Mitchell at least got the world record legitimately back in the day, and Kuh could never measure up to him or to Steve Wiebe, so he had to settle for being Mitchell's sycophantic bitch.

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Billy Mitchell is the type of guy, that thinks he is a God for something stupid like having a good score at a videogame. Love Steve Wiebe, the one that comes from humility and deserves to win. It happens in all the games.

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Time has not been kind to this story as Billy Mitchell has been shown to be a fraud and the tarnish from his deceit has even painted Walter Day as a showman rather than a preservationist. The only person who has seen even more ridicule since this came out is probably Todd Rogers.

That said the story is still good, although Steve Sanders wishes he could go back and not defend Billy Mitchell - a person he has well since separated himself from.

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I kinda feel bad for Billy Mitchell. He's the guy who peaked in high school and never let it go. Steve Wiebe, however, is in a class of his own. How can you not like Steve?

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
2 / 2 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

8 out of 10

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Shout by Deleted

A great movie. If you like video games, especially arcade ones this should be a must see.
I enjoyed it and hope you do as well.

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That Billy Mitchell guy is a real sore looser.

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