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The Iron Claw 2023

I'm a huge wrestling fan, have been since the 80s, so I know my wrestling family history. I went to see this on a double date, my friend knowing the same as me but our partners had no idea the gravity of sorrow coming their way. It's beautifully shot, brilliantly acted and I would've probably given it a full 10 if not for the Flair actor, wasn't the best version of him I've seen. Superb movie but if you don't know the story, take some tissues.

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I loved this film, as a true fan of wrestling and someone who was already familiar with the Von Erich's legacy, this film was portrayed perfectly for me. Each member of the cast did their parts perfectly giving an emotional performance that will stick with you for hours after leaving the theater.

The only thing stopping this film from being a 10 was the decision to leave Chris Von Erich out of the film entirely. The way that I see it is that if this was a perfect representation of the legacy of the Von Erich's, than it should include EVERY sibling.

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I am biased towards wrestling content, without a doubt. However, this movie is incredible and one of the beset of the year. Obviously, with these types of films some of the truth is stretched for movie purposes. The crazy part of this film is that several aspects were "toned down" for believability and digestibility sake for the audience. I cannot wait to rewatch this one!

Rating: 5/5 - 95% - Highly Recommend

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This film should've been more graphic, because that was their reality.

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What an emotional roller coaster of the portrayal of the story of the Von Erich wrestling family, as the plot all revolves around the meaning of wrestling to the family and how one should never give up and that providing for your family is so important that personal dreams need to be temporarily set aside, but it can permanently damage a family emotionally. The casting and filming is great. The plot was decent, but they could have spent more time on the upbringing of the brothers. However, it was edge of your seat entertainment all the way through with a decent climax.

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The movie about the Von Enrich brothers and their experience with the dark side of wrestling is a must-see for all sports entertainment fans. The film highlights the harsh realities of the wrestling industry and the challenges that wrestlers face when striving for success.

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Top performance. Top story. Top top top.
This is easily 10/10 movie a must watch

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Efron was great here. I expected to rate this higher than the 6.5 it's getting. Tragic story told well by a great writer/director in Sean Durkin. That said, when looking over a lot of the chosen omissions and just how the film itself made me feel or failed to make me feel, I just couldn't get to where I thought I'd be when watching it.
For a great review of more of the story I recommend checking out b&s about movies dot com. I'm unaffiliated, but enjoyed learning what I wasn't aware of there.

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Amazing, a very striking movie, very well done. The story is real and here everything is shown in a very organic way, very close, very raw, as if we were there with everyone. This feeling is also reinforced by the stellar acting of the entire cast, it's absurd how true and how close we feel to this story.

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I can't imagine losing siblings that way....
Dad's attitude...
Mom didn't do much either...
The meeting of the 4 brothers....
Kevin watching his kids play, and him remembering that....
Fvck, I actually did cry....
I liked the story and based on real events, I hope it was as close to reality as possible...

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You get a lot more out of the movie if you know the story going in. This could have easily been 2 movies, there was a lot of stuff that gets skimmed over very quickly or is just completely left out. But great performance from the entire cast and still worth the watch even if you don't know anything about the Von Erich's or wrestling going in.

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A fantastic and devastating film.

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One of the best films I've seen recently. Harrowing and intensely beautiful. This movie is not about wrestling. "Tonight I walk with my brothers."

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First of all, I have nothing to do with wrestling and don't find it particularly interesting.
Nevertheless, the movie convinced me because it's told more as a family drama with wrestling as the backdrop. At times it seems almost implausible that this movie is based on a true story, more on that in the spoiler.
Among the cast, Zack Efron shines in my opinion and Jeremy Allen overperforms in some parts, which I found inappropriate.
Bottom line, if you know the story and love wrestling, you should watch it for that reason. If you don't like wrestling, you should watch it for the family drama. If you don't like these stories either, you shouldn't watch Iron Claw.


THERE WAS ANOTHER BROTHER THEY LEFT OUT WHO ALSO DIED ... The father really was the bane of this family, if the movie is to be believed.

Translated with (free version)

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This was a great movie. Even without much interest for wrestling and not knowing the true story before watching. Good writing, directing and acting sucked me in straight away and didn't let me go until the credits were rolling.

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"Tonight, I walk with my brothers."

As we finished this, we were all speechless. Two thoughts ran across my mind: 1) How can so much happen to one family and 2) it is a cinematic crime that this was not nominated for Oscars. I hate when people say that because everything is subjective but this needed to be on the list. Zac Efron, I was not aware of your game.

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Shout by C

I enjoyed it, but it didn't really feel complete at all. So much missing and glossed over. Maybe it'd be better as a TV show.

Wish MJF was in it more too!

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Shout by Parmlog

Fritz immediately talking about bringing the NWA World Title back home right after David's death is insane. Absolutely ghoulish performance by Holt, can't hide the excitement in his voice

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What an incredible, gut-wrenching movie! Zac Efron was BRILLIANT. I had no clue about the Von Erich family coming into the movie. Someone deliver me a box of will you need one after watching this movie.

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Having unexpectedly enjoyed the TV show Heels, I was looking forward to another dramatic story in professional wrestling and was not disappointed. The relationship between the brothers is the highlight here, with nuanced writing that reveals complexities and contradictions. The wholesome moments are disarmingly heartwarming, which makes the gut punch moments land so much harder. The performances are excellent across the board. The production and technical filmmaking deliver memorable shots throughout. My only minor complaint is the pacing in the final act, as things moved rather quickly, with the final scene feeling a bit too on-the-nose/cheesy.

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The amount of mental and physical pain I just felt, I'm suing you, Sean Durkin.
I absolutely think this is the best sport/wrestling movie to date, and I'll tell you why. I went in expecting a generic sports movie where in the end there's a huge fight, and the main character is, of course, losing till the very last minute. Well, it's none of that. In any shape, way, or form. The fights were done amazingly, the pace was perfect, the soundtrack/score was beautiful, and the cinematography and editing was outstanding. The acting was genuinely jaw-dropping from everyone. An insanely good performance from Zac Efron, best yet. There wasn't any sort of genericness to this. The message was anything but generic. It showed how mental health is just as important as physical health. I loved the mystery behind the mother/father. We are only left with the consequences of their action. The curse isn't a curse. It's ignorance to help. I could talk about this for days upon days. You couldn't even bodyslam a 'negative' out of me. Anyway, I'll say it again, The Iron Claw is THE best sports movie to date.

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Never ending story of what happens sometimes when parents push too much and enforce their unrealized ambitions on kids.

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I want to see this

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fucking brutal...and to think i was expecting a biopic lol

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Such a good and sad movie. Great acting all around.

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I won't say the movie is bad, it's directed and performed very well by all involved.

I just can't seem to connect with it, the pacing and story just feel off to me. But again... I'm sure it's a great movie for where it does connect for others.

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Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2024-02-15T01:58:46Z— updated 2024-04-20T17:32:12Z

There really wasn't much to this story, and I felt that had a lot to do w/ the script and the way this story was filmed. I found the cinematography to be quite odd. There were a number of scenes, where they had long, open shots from a distance, and it felt strange. I also felt that they didn't really delve deep into this family's wrestling background, only scratching the surface of what they were well known for. That would've been OK had they delved deep into the familial dysfunction that led to the tragedy that struck this family's children. Any way you slice it, it was not a great effort from the filmmakers, and this was reflected in the final product.

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I remember my mom being a fan of the Von Erichs so I was always vaguely aware of their story, but I didn't realize how deep it went (I had no idea that Kevin was the second oldest or that Kerry lost his foot). Great performances from the cast and the direction is wonderful. You can almost feel the specter of death hanging over them in the film. I do wish they hadn't cut out Chris because I always felt like it was the tipping point for Kerry (because of the similarities of their deaths).

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'The Iron Claw' is quite the depressing watch!

A lot of the story you can see coming from a decent ways away, even for someone like me who previously knew nothing about this family, but that only adds to the tinge of sadness that is present in the film from pretty much the get-go. The film does a grand job at making sure that events onscreen move along at a good pace, especially as some parts could've (but don't) felt repetitive if told differently.

There's an excellent showing from Zac Efron in this, such a great performance from that man. I also appreciated Holt McCallany, as well as the likes of Jeremy Allen White and Harris Dickinson. The Von Erich family are portrayed well, though it is a shame that I read that they left out brother Chris - I do get the reasoning as to why, but I feel like they should've found a way to at least acknowledge his existence.

All things considered, though, this 2023 release is tremendous. Highly recommended.

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The dark side of King Richard.
Very deep and shows how the only way to life a good life is to eradicate any toxic masculinity from your environment

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"Tonight, I walk with my brothers."


I went into this blind, not knowing the true story behind it. So, my experience was a Roller Coaster ride of emotions, from shock to being devastated.

This is the best performance I have ever seen from Zac Efron. What the 2017 film Good Time did for Robert Pattinson, is what The Iron Claw does for Efron, and I hope this is a sign of a new and exciting phrase for him. The High School Musical days and the pretty boy image are behind him now.

A24 did this movie dirty this award season. I know awards should not matter, but it would be nice.

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What a great story! I've never really been a wrestling fan but I can remember the boom of interest in the 80s an remembered some of the character names. Zac Efron is brilliant in this role and has completely transformed to portray his character. A really enjoyable film with great acting and direction, impressed.

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This one was surprisingly cringeworthy. The direction felt so inconsistent. There were dozens of creative choices that just completely missed the mark. It confounded me. However, the writing left much to be desired as well. The casting for some of the characters seemed completely wrong, and sometimes the acting was over-the-top, but I enjoyed a few of the performances (especially Lily James). Please do not get me started on that portrayal of Ric Flair. :neutral_face::see_no_evil: And one scene toward the end had us in tears from holding back laughter; it was supposed to be a somber moment, but it was just so absurd. I believe there is a story very much worth telling here, but in my opinion, this film did not do it justice. (Why on earth would they choose to exclude the sixth brother from their representation of the family? Seriously, why even make that movie?) I'll be seeking documentaries that will hopefully offer a fuller, more accurate story!

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Like making jello in a cupcake mold, they took something unusual and made it look normal.

I'm not a huge fan of wrestling and I'm not a huge fan of the family drama genre but I am a huge fan if A24.

A24 has the gift of taking the ordinary and making it extra-ordinary, but here they decided to go the opposite route. They took the story of a cursed family of professional wrestlers (!) and decided to slowly erode the inherent magic of that situation until the only thing remaining was the tepid residue of a made-for-TV movie.

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As someone who doesn’t watch a lot of wrestling this was very interesting and tragic story I’ve never heard of. Fantastic performance by Zac Efron. Man was daddy a dick.

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Don’t look up how Jack Jr. died…Jesus Christ.

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I'll say this... 80's music has held up a lot better than 80's fashion

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This is the biggest surprise of the year for me, and honestly, it may still climb my rankings as time continues to pass. I had not heard anyone talking about it, but it’s such a fantastic movie deserving to be in the conversation. It’s a stunning exploration of toxic masculinity, and even though it's a wrestling movie, it's not really about wrestling. It's about brotherhood, filial responsibility, and the drive for a father's validation. Zac Efron is amazing. I really did not expect this level of range from him. And even though I don't think it's a focal point, I was impressed with some of the cinematography at times. From the opening shot, to the way the sound of the crowd roared all around you (in theaters at least), to the way the camera would focus on one specific point as the impact seeped into you. It has the best ending scene of the year, and Zac Efron deserves trophies for this movie, sorry to all the other Best Actor contenders.

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All reviews or comments on this film should start with stating what a phenomenal director Sean Durkin is. What he is able to pull out of his actors, the expert lighting and mood, every little detail is top of its class.

I don't know anything about wrestling and this isn't a movie about wrestling, it is a greek tragedy and misery biopic. So many great performances here to call out an individual, but Zac Effron blacks out and turns in an all-time performance here. Absolutely stunning across the board, i can't keep thinking about the entire thing.

Richard Reed Parry absolutely murders the score here too.
I will follow Durkin to the ends of the world after this, Martha Marcy May Marlene, and The Nest.
Harris Dickinson is going to be talked about in best actor circles in the coming years.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.7

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The Iron Claw is a beautifully shot film with an outstanding cast. However, the tragedies portrayed are observed more than they are felt. This story should hit like a strong right hook to the jaw but ends up feeling more like a left-handed head squishy from a large male actor in a thong. The movie is good, but it had the potential to be great.

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When real life comes off as unbelievable. There is no way one single family could face so much tragedy? Except there is even more that had to be left out as there is only much you can take. Yet the movie holds it together and sells the importance of family. Great performances all around with a subdued highlight performance from Maura Tierney.

Zach Efron shows up with a Kumail misshaped roid head but we are all the better for it.

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