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The Ice Road 2021


Shout by ds1

When thinking about who to partner a Neeson character up with, they come up with someone like "Gurty"? That is quite laughable.
What an awful, senseless movie. Acting, even for a Liam Neeson movie, is garbage.
Exposition is as little as possible and as much on the nose as possible.
Villains of this movie are cardboard characters, no depth, no charisma, no background.
They only exist to give this movie some suspense. But since they are depthless characters, you do not care at all.
Fishburne was in this for a quick paycheck, he gets killed off very early on.
Several scenes make no sense, like the end scene, or the scene after the bridge collapsed. You are pressed for time? Let's take a look at the collapsed bridge, because we need to kill one more character off that has no impact at all.
Fighting scenes are lame, Neeson's age is showing hard in this.
The cutting is all over the place. Directing? Doesn't seem to exist in this movie.
While other mediocre movies of Neeson are a nice time waster, this is just an entire waste of time.

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With Liam Neeson behind the wheel it was a silly movie that I could tolerate. Though, it wasn’t a bad debut for the mouse who is a promising talent.

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I read that it's like the salary of fear on ice and I agree, it's entertaining.

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I would have preferred this as a fun dumb straight trucker thriller; the company conspiracy thread just pushed silliness up past 11

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I was a fan of the "Ice Road Truckers" so from that perspective you can watch this comfortably, nice scenery some things that you know already. Other than that total bad script, stupid ideas and people not dying repeatably, things that mess with the law of physics and frozen lakes. Bad CGI

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While this is not great movie by any means the setting sure is unused enough (for me at least) to be entertaining and not completely foreseeable. I give it a 3 out of 5 - not great, not terrible.

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Interesting for people who love to watch trucks. And ice circumstances. And other then that it's boring. And predictable.

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There were some really really dumb parts in this, but it was entertaining. Wasn’t one of Liam’s best but he still has this aura about him that made it worthwhile.

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Do not watch, I repeat, DO NOT WATCH

Not worth the senseless drama and death

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So the bad guys are cardboard-characters - doesn't make much difference.

The female protagonist actually lost a round against a male antagonist where we get to ask ourself how she gets out of that (didn't expect that to happen in a movie with A-Listers this day and age) - well done!

Opposed to others I think the pair of brothers works really well - damn I cried when he died. Which was a bit unexpected. I half expected that Mike dies and Tantoo pairs up with Mike buying the Rig he always wanted.

Gurty's death leaves me a bit shattered, so the character building definitely worked better than in most stuff that comes out these days.

And yeah, like others pointed out - the mine collapse itself isn't important, thats just background noise, like most NPCs in a videogame: necessary for ambience only.

In conclusion I give this 8/10, it stirred real feelings and I can count the movies who did that in recent time with my fingers.

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This is the least believable episode of Ice Road Truckers ever.

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Scenario too predictable for my taste and the "invincible/untouchable hero" aspect is much too present

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There were some really tense moments. I liked it.

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[Netflix] It assumes the status as a popcorn add-on with a self-confidence that is gratifying. Liam Neeson's character is so basic that he must have a brother with PTS to give him some humanity. In the absence of depth, a story is built with the scenes of tension/action following one another, although the antagonist seems as immortal as Sylvester in The Road Runner Show.

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I only got one question: WHY????
Why does Liam go down the Bruce Willis road and accepts roles in movies that are pure trash. This is so utterly senseless and I had to stop watching - something I usually don’t do.

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Liam Neeson can do no wrong for me, and again, I thought this was awesome too!

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A waste of talent for Fishbourne and Neeson on this one. Ridiculous story full of plot holes... (How / Why did a fence hold the 75,000 lb truck back?)

A good waste of a Saturday afternoon, though. Worth a watch.

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I really enjoyed this. Don't understand all the criticism. Everything looked plausible to me for a casual viewing. Don't need to go into details. It's like saying Star Wars is a bad movie because there is no sound and explosions in space. Consider this a fantasy movie with ice and trucks. Have fun.

My only real big problem with this movie was killing his brother. Like it's the right thing to do. He is only good when he is dead. He has no future. Totally unnecessary and offensive

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I really liked the idea.
The acting was superb.
But this could have been so much better without the endless and boring fight scenes. Unfortunately, the second half got pretty boring.
Overall it is an okay action movie for a one time watch.

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Not bad, not great. Pretty much standard for the rescue with a time limit plot line, no real twists or surprises. Had some potential, could have been better with a little effort.

Surprisingly decent cast, although most don't really do anything. Acting wasn't too bad.
Too bad Laurence Fishburne bows out so early, although his career seems to be going downhill recently.
Slightly above average for Liam Neeson, apparently, at this stage of his life, he's just going for the money.

Didn't know anything about Amber Midthunder, she's not bad in this although she didn't have much to do.

A few plot holes, couple were pretty big.

Camera work was poorly done in places, I saw at least three things in the picture that shouldn't have been there and I don't normally look for or see those types of mistakes.

Best part of this movie is the scenery, although it could have been much better.

Overall, not a complete waste of time but could have been much better.

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The movie isn’t as bad as the reviews would lead you to believe. It’s based on reality… these ice roads that lead up north in Manitoba and are the lifelines of the reserves. Ok the cgi wasn’t perfect but they can’t go destroying ice roads for a movie. I think we are becoming immune to real stories hence the low ratings. Some are more suited for Marvel movies I guess.

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So who fixed those mirrors?

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I really enjoyed this! Fine acting, decent action with some edge-of-the-seat tension. Congrats to all the crew for filming in those conditions and keeping the atmosphere so well. Your typical story of greed but well told and heart warming in all the right places. I actually cared about the actors and the outcome so was really happy with the result. Solid entertainment and worth watching… 7/10.

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So many unrealistic and dumb scenes ... most of it can be cut

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I never thought a movie about Ice Road truckers would be riveting! While the ending was mostly predictable, the ride was more enjoyable than I expected. It was nice to see Liam Neeson in something other than his recent foray into "Taken" style action.

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Like getting in a car in winter and waiting for things to heat up.

Bad WTFs, bad CGI, and bad science means I give this one the cold shoulder.

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And I fell for another cheap Neeson actioner in these times of Pandemic. Covid sure has not stopped him. This one is again painfully average, and probably not worth your time, even if you like a good Neeson actioner. This one is just not good. I need to mention the Tantoo character, native american with typical dialogue in this day and age: "When you are hungry, you get cranky?" "Worse" she replies, "I act white". Non-sensical but what you've come to expect.

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It's Liam Neeson - and now he's got A TRUCK !!!

No, seriously, If you have any doubts what you are getting with this movie after watching the trailer you probably should stay away.
Story is thin, CGI is weak and you've got enogh logical errors to fill a swimming pool. And it's about 20 mins too long I'd say as some of the scenes are streched out to the point it get's boring. Since it's also a pretty forseeable plot you don't get any surprising twists.

I would not have watched this had it not been for Liam but I really wonder what he saw in that script.

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We needed Liam Neeson as a Ice road driver again I guess after Cold Pursuit. Though that was more like a wannabe Guy Ritchie movie. This you almost expect them to say it was based on a true story.

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Meh! Boring Sunday done cleaning the house. Walked the dog. Waiting for bed time. Not a bad watch.

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Serviceable Liam Neeson thriller that has an absolutely awful conclusion, it's as if they ran out of time.

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Insulting, producers think the audience are a bunch of retards, chains appear and disappear from the wheels, just hold the gas can against the truck, what the diesel magically flows up and out of the gas can? To much stupid shit to mention.

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So, when is Liam Neeson retiring from action movies? He said he would a while ago.

The movie itself, very predictable and stupid, not the best kind of stupid for these types of movies. The visual effects looked so awful and unconvincing I questioned if I was watching a Sci Fi channel movie. The directing wasn’t anything notable and the writing was so horrendous, ridiculous situations and none of it was believable. I had a hard time finishing this one.

I can't believe that both Liam Neeson and Laurence Fishburne agreed to be in this.

'The Ice Road' is cold and boring.

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As a former OTR driver I can tell you LOTS of corners were cut to make this movie, but "HELL" it's "Liam Neeson" who cares?

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This is a fairly good movie. Worth a few minutes of your time.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Movie was decent. Had some thrills. Standard Liam Neeson flick. Really bad CGI though.

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Mediocre boring and very predictable you can figure the whole thing out in the first 10 min

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Shout by Simon

This was an OK movie and far above the quality that has been available to watch over the last 12 months. Plot holes by the bucket load and never was there a more insipid villain in the guise of the insurance underwriter.... what did happen to him in the end? Something gruesome I hope; perhaps that was a cut scene.

I feel there was a missed opportunity with the Ice Road itself, more suspense, more drama. Goldenrod was a bit of a twit really wasn't he... supposedly experienced but actually not so much. The best prop has to be the bobbleheads; every vehicle should have one!

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The movie is so unrealistic it treats the audience as complete idiots, don't they know most of us have watched the real ice road truckers at least once.

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Shout by LIANG LI

Like an angel Brother died too unworthy……

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This is maybe a time-killer movie with a kind of OK story but bad CGI. I expected more at every scene like the mine, the road, during all fights and action. The movie is not a typical Liam action movie that we remember. I feel that old Liam is getting to the bottom faster than I imagined.

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Weak movie. if it was not for Liam Neeson (Big fan). I would have skipped this one.

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Too many ridiculous plot points it makes you feel stupid for watching it. Apparently the villain is indestructible and can run miles in minutes. Legs can support the weights of semi's and you can be impaled by a tree limb in one scene then forget about it and go about your business like it never happened. Then there are some awful lines of dialogue. "Gurty's like that commercial; takes a lickin', but keeps on tickin'" makes me wretch.

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A lot of inconsistencies and imposible things, but we don't get bored.
Liam ages better than Bruce in the choice of his movies.

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Without a doubt one of the worst scripts I've ever seen in my life. Full of lies and exaggerations.

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Paint by numbers type movie but I didn't want to turn it off and finished it so that's a good sign for me. Not missing anything but watchable.

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A decent Liam popcorn movie for an afternoon entertainment at home.

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By far the worst scripted film this year, this time starring Liam Neeson.

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Well, it had potential to be good, but I'll give it a 6 out of 10... it's fair. Camera works wasn't impressive and the execution seemed lazy.

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Its not a great film but for all its faults, its still entertaining thanks to a typically dependable Liam Neeson performance.

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Typical Liam Film. Nothing great, but an interesting watch. Don't expect too much.

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