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The Hate U Give 2018

Inequality and injustice are part of the daily condition for many people in this world. We need this film which takes time to address this fact. Overwhelmingly so. Honest, strong and beautiful.

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Marvelous movie. Sad reality. Watch this instead of Endgame. You might learn a thing or two.

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wow. just wow. if you want to understand the world, you have to see this movie. there's just a side of the world that's not seen by the majority. that failure is what this movie is about, but it's also about making the decision to walk away from the right and wrong things in your life. seriously one of the best movies of 2018.

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I watched today and I’m still speechless about it. This movie is so powerful and important!!

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i love this Movie this is on my TOP 10 LIST!

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Such a profound movie...Reflecting a sad reality we're living in.
It's really powerful and emotional...
You know a movie is great when it gives you chills and makes you cry.

Brilliant cast

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'When you're ready to talk, you talk. Don't let nobody make you be quiet.'

I honestly think this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It was stood by the source material whilst adding it's little extra spin. And having Amanda Stenberg and Sabrina Carpenter playing two of the main characters was absolutely amazing.

It's an amazingly acted movie which is relevant to the world that we live in today.

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Such an excellent (and important!) movie -- please watch this! Watch this movie especially if you are white and haven't made an effort to look and understand outside of your own little bubble. Watch it if you want to know why people who are different than you may react to the world in a different way. Watch it to gain empathy and to feel the humanity that may help you empathize with people from a different background.

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Now I understand the title. THUG LIFE.

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Intensely moving, powerful, and maddening; this is an effective drama that is as timely as ever. I pray for an end to police and racial injustice, but until the day comes when we can look back on stories such as this one as a footnote in our history books, let's thank God for the directors and writers bringing us reminders of these terrible realities.

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watching this at the time of George Floyd

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The Hate U Give is to racial equality what Love, Simon was to coming out. It's a complex subject geared towards teens presented clearly, unequivocally and effectively.

The message hits home thanks especially to the flawless casting of lead actor Amandla Stenberg. Ms Stenberg gave a command performance, for whenever she performed on screen, she was in command. Another aspect of the film that explains its success is its choice not to make easy choices, but to present the harsh realities harshly and to communicate on all sides of the issue without being ambiguous: The Hate U Give is on point, stays on it, and makes it very clear.

Yes, the ending is a cop out (no pun intended) and the entire storyline of the rival gang felt very forced, but these issues do little to tarnish an important film that should be mandatory viewing for white high-schoolers everywhere.

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Rewatched this with my kids and it really holds up well. Sadly, the issues the film addresses are even more pertinent now than when the film was made. Things have changed... they've gotten worse.

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"The Hate U Give" is a story needed to be heard. I really loved this movie not any a list actors apart of the cast but a strong message about someone finding their voice and standing up for others and spreading a message needed to be heard this movie really hit me in the heart which made love this movie this movie and Blindspotting which I watched around the same time are two movies that came out this year which I think are huge in the messages they tell and show that things are better but haven't changed and we need to work as a country to stop racism and social prejudices.

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Powerful and very relevant to today's society. Amandla Stenberg really gives a standout performance. Not an easy watch but one that everyone should see.

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I had never seen this movie until now, but I am glad I had a reason to get around to it (shoutout my Movie Club!)! I am typically not the biggest fan of social commentary films as they often come across preachy throughout, but that was not the case with this one. It has a message, and it communicates it thoroughly and effectively!

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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excelente película, buen drama y un mensaje poderoso.

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very very very powerful movie. i liked it a lot!! it described everything so perfectly except the end which i wanted to know what happened to that cop!! i'm kinda split btw between the cop and the situation concerning the black livs, when someone reaches something from the car for example, you don't shoot and ask qs later!!! you say put your hands up, right!! and the cop i get him, he was probably scared and panicking, but not to that extend where you take someone's life like that!! it's a sad world i swear. i was crying half this movie because i don't get why others hate black people. like why!!!! what's so different about them! we're all a creation with so many unique qualities. we should unite and lead by example not tearing each others apart like that. that's it for me!! and oh i love amandla stenberg. she's gonna be a star (a bigger one because she already is).

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I liked it overall, but some parts were almost too over dramatic. Some of the dialogue was just so not how people talk. I understand that they are trying to get a message across but I was like this conversation would never exist, multiple times

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I chat about this movie in this video:
bingeing stranger things, queer love, corrupt superheroes :sparkles: What I'm watching in June :rainbow:

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